Bonds, Barry?

Total votes: 28 (65%)
The Man, or at least NC
Total votes: 15 (35%)
Total votes: 43

Ballplayer-Human Being: Barry Bonds

Anyone who refuses to accept the overwhelming evidence that Bonds knowingly took illegal performance enchancing drugs is guilty of wishful thinking. This isn't a court of law. "Beyond a reasonable doubt" doesn't apply here -- though I personally find the doubts about his use of performance enchancing substances to be rather unreasonable.

Basically, you're talking about a guy who lied about what he had done, then when he was found out, opted for a mixture of minimization, ignorance, and the ol' media persecution complex.

The worst thing about all of this Bonds stuff is the fact that there are some mediots who have attempted to give this a racial component. Wonder what they'll say when it's Henry Aaron in his sights and Bonds finds himself still the subject of scorn. Doesn't Jesse Jackson have an issue of equality or social justice somewhere to fight for instead of wasting him time in a ballpark defending a piece of human garbage like Bonds?

There are things upon which reasonable people can disagree. This ain't one of them. Bonds is talent, but he's also a jerk, liar, and -- most importantly -- a disgraced cheater.

Ballplayer-Human Being: Barry Bonds

He's a ballplayer. I think of him purely in baseball terms. Bonds is a phenomenon. Incredible hitting machine. An awesome, disciplined hitter. I don't care that he isn't a nice guy. It matters not a whit.

On Tuesday, there was some commotion when I said AJ Pierzynski was a cock. This is obvious to me. He is also a truly driven ballplayer and a big asset for the White Sox, and for those things I admire him. If he ran the bases better he'd be the perfect leadoff man, a feisty little prick with a big mouth and a willingness to play dirty.

I do not think I would want him, or Barry Bonds, in my family. I am glad they are in baseball, where I can watch them be incredible.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Ballplayer-Human Being: Barry Bonds

If you're just talking about his production and nothing else, I'm right there with you. Since 2000 Bonds has been in rarified air. Probably only Ruth has put together a similar stretch -- though Ruth did so for a period about twice as long as Bonds has and did so in an era where middle infielders weren't routinely slugging .450. But still, ridiculously impressive numbers.

The problem with crediting Bonds with this is that he jumped from "elite" to "Are you kidding me?" after he went all Better Hitting Through Chemistry. For that reason we will never now how much of that surge was The Cream and The Clear and how much was Bonds himself. (This is where someone inevitably pops up with the "Steroids don't make you hit a ball better" straw man.)

And cock or not, do you really want A.J. Pierzynski leading off? A leadoff hitter doesn't do you much good trotting back to the dugout after an out, and a decrepit Bonds will walk more in 2006 than A.J. Pierzynski will have walked in his entire nine-year career.

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