Say something nice about George W. Bush

Well, what can I say. You have all showed yourselves to be fine, upstanding 'mericans. It warms the cockles of my fuzzy heart when you fat bastards get on the good foot and give up some due.

I have to honest, I never expected all this tomfoolery to get so outta hand, (I'm looking at you clocker bob) with all these sayin's and mumbles I make gettin' all you liberal math rockers in a twist. WWIII? Why not? Big Fish caught= best moments of presidency? Well, you didn't see this thing... I mean it was fuckin' huge!?!

In the end, I just wanna say thanks for all the accolades, (yer gettin' a special tax break, EatingPanCakesOnHerGrave), and for some decent recomendations on bands sort of similar to table. It's been a good time.

O and, c'mon, Jawbreaker/Silkworm comparisons? Y'all be lucky if'n you make it through tonight without cheny shootin' ya in the fucking face with that nonsense!

P.S: Matthew, I'll be at Hot Dougs right next to you... we can love Jesus together!

Take her easy Bra,
Georgie Boy
Freedom and God and all that shit!

Say something nice about George W. Bush

He invested just over $600,000 into a small ownership stake of the Texas Rangers, and he walked away with almost $15 million when he sold his interest.

George Bush inspired this amusing quote from Ann Richards, whom he defeated to take the governorship of Texas: "It's difficult to run a race against someone who doesn't have a clue."

Despite his spectacular butchery of the English language and his obvious dunderheadedness, he is slightly easier to understand than Warren G. Harding, who said things like: "I would like the government to do all it can to mitigate, then, in understanding, in mutuality of interest, in concern for the common good, our tasks will be solved."

Jodie Foster and John Hinckley Jr. are still alive, although the treatment sadly seems to be going well.

He is apparently carbon-based, which means that he will eventually decompose completely despite modern corpse-preservation technologies.

Say something nice about George W. Bush

GWB- I think you would make an excellent father-in-law (settle down Jenna and Babs this is not a proposal). I'm pretty sure you would hook me up with some big time executive job at Haliburton, I'd get free Ranger tickets, I'd only have to see you at holidays, my offsprings would be exempt from any future military service, and I'd be invited to join the illuminati.

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