EatingPanCakesOnHerGrave wrote:...ungrateful assholes abound who know how to work the system.
for every few dozen poor people who manage to squeeze a few bucks out of the system while doing maybe not everything they could do to earn "an honest living", there's a zillionaire robbing the entire nation blind for staggering amounts of money (and more) that dwarf the sum impact of every "welfare king/queen" imaginable. want to meet an ungrateful asshole who knows hot to work the system? talk to any rich person, just about. tax evasion, lobbying, tax breaks, embezzlement, fraud, kickass legal and pr teams for protection, this is just the tip of the iceberg. look at what corporate scandals actually break, and who actually gets taken in, and the devastating scope of the crimes involved -- the billions of dollars stolen from the general public of california by enron and their buddies, the damage caused by the intentional blackouts, there's people hooked up to electrical machines just to stay alive, what happens to them in a blackout? now consider the fact that for every one corporate crime that actually gets exposed and taken to trial, there are dozens that are covered up. and one thing you gotta love about the enron thing -- many tons (literally!) of documents were shredded before they could be used as evidence. thousands of pounds of paper! that's how much stuff we don't even know.