Things You Have Found at Work

1) a live bat (inside our electronics maintenance shop)

2) a *crisp* $50 bill (a guy filled up his truck and paid with a $50, not realizing that there were two of them stuck together... I endured 2.5 seconds of serious internal conflict, but ultimately handed the extra one back to him)

3) a 3/8" socket that had clearly been used as a bowl to smoke some "kind bud"

4) a major credit card left behind by a customer who had just been pretty jerky to me (no comment - use your imagination)

5) a CD-R labeled "Burmese Song Collection" featuring slick cover versions of hits such as Shania Twain's "Man, I Feel Like A Woman", with the lyrics sung in what I can only assume is Burmese (we received a shipment of new PCs at the university and one of the new, fresh-out-of-the-box PCs had this in its CD-ROM drive)

Things You Have Found at Work

the best things i have found at work, in order of appearance:

1- small very detailed anatomical model of a man and a women. both made of fiberglass and used to find the correct scale for stop-animation work done in the 70's. that is the 19 hundred and 70's.

2- fiberglass shoe, an old new balance sneaker. probably the most detailed cast i have ever seen.

3- fiberglass foot complete with toe-prints and noticeable abrasions, the pads of the toes match perfectly to the indentations in item 2.

4- a worker from another office sitting calmly in a chair while blood pumped out of his thumb in long archs. also, strangely, had ice cubes pressed against it trying to damn up the torrent with melting water.


Things You Have Found at Work

I work at a college bookstore. We find a lot of love notes and photos in the books. Most of the photos are lame spring break kinds of things, BUT- this one time we found one that I wish to seven suns I had kept. It was a standard family type photo : Mom sitting next to television set with kid in lap. On the television set was a football game. BUT, there was something else on the TV also. As sort of an overlay to the football game was this borderline convincing image of a green monster head, like one you'd see from a Troma movie. It was exactly on the screen, the football game was clearly visible. It didn't APPEAR to be staged, but i suppose it could have been.

This was in the days before high resolution digital cameras, so it was a real photo (not a computer print out). God... I need to find that thing.

Things You Have Found at Work

Tom wrote:It was a standard family type photo : Mom sitting next to television set with kid in lap. On the television set was a football game. BUT, there was something else on the TV also. As sort of an overlay to the football game was this borderline convincing image of a green monster head, like one you'd see from a Troma movie. It was exactly on the screen, the football game was clearly visible. It didn't APPEAR to be staged, but i suppose it could have been.

This was in the days before high resolution digital cameras, so it was a real photo (not a computer print out). God... I need to find that thing.

whoa! if you can find this, you should post it. it sounds pretty neat.

Things You Have Found at Work

I used to have this job putting together the bio/chem test kits that the UN used in Iraq a little over a year and one day we got in this order and the styrofoam peanuts kinda looked like cheese curls. So, me being the bastard that I am, I proceeded to spray paint them orange since April Fools was right around the corner. We had a heat sealer so I bought a bag of cheese curls, swapped em out and then filled the bag with my Punk'd worthy evilness. To make a long story short, I got my friend Greg to believe that they were real but I couldn't actually let him eat them so I stopped him just as he was about to take a bite. I also worked for Verizon as a tech and found a shitload of roaches. Not of the herbal kind for all you stoners.
Better yet, eat the placenta!!!

Things You Have Found at Work

5) a CD-R labeled "Burmese Song Collection" featuring slick cover versions of hits such as Shania Twain's "Man, I Feel Like A Woman", with the lyrics sung in what I can only assume is Burmese (we received a shipment of new PCs at the university and one of the new, fresh-out-of-the-box PCs had this in its CD-ROM drive)

You should send a copy to Alan Bishop so he can release it.

While at this one particularly painful office job in Chicago, I found the boss's checkbook (with a decent $40K+ balance, which was far more than he was paying me) in one of the bathrooms. I returned it, but I probably should've just absconded to Tierra del Fuego. Most people don't deserve to be robbed, but this particular asshole boss sure does.

Things You Have Found at Work

I am currently employed in relativly senior role within a data management company, this makes me privy to all manner of confidential client data currently in storage. Just yesterday a client requested a box of their data from storage, nothing unusual in that; what was unusual was that the box in question was part of a large law firms inventory and happened to contain;
13 copies of Michael Jacksons "Thriller" album, 2 copies of Elton Fucking Johns "Good by Yellow Brick Road" and 1 copy of an album thoughtfully titled "Hits of the Seventies"... All were in mint condition and in some cases still sealed in cellophane.

I also know for a fact that there is a box in storage that measures 4.2 cu ft and contains 1 Wellington boot (left, size 9, green)
Orange Peel.


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