Hazing at Northwestern University

Flaneur wrote:Hey, that's all well and good for a fraternity/sorority/freemasons intitiation, but what about a kid on an athletic scholarship who finds himself having to put his hot-sauced balls in a bowl of rice, or lap-dance the soccer team? Nothing wrong with a university having an anti-hazing policy for its athletic teams.

You know he could just say 'no, I'm not putting my balls in anything go fuck yourselves'
Oh wait, kids on athletic scholarships are usually complete douchebag pussies with no concept of self worth aside from the tingly charge of naked butt slapping lockeroom camaraderie.
The hazing done in our parts is not anywhere near harsh enough if you ask me....ever see russian soldiers hazing the new guys? That's what I'm talking about. 25 spin kicks to the face then a nice long choking with an electrical cord. That's some good hazing right there.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Hazing at Northwestern University

burun wrote:Weirdly enough, Badjocks also posted pictures of Fordham's (my alma mater) women's Softball team's hazing.

It's all over the news here.

Since my mom works in the athletic department, she has been IM'ing me all day with updates as the heads roll.

I hope that these poor Fordham softball players survived this obviously traumatic ordeal.

Jesus, I've seen more sexual tension at a 4-H sheep showing.

You know, if this kind of collegiate silliness is a problem, then it's pretty much time for everyone to fuck right off.

By the way, if the photo below is evidence of hazing, then someone needs to arrest The Bitter Tears.


P.S. Hey, hazers. Let's lose the cameras, huh?

Hazing at Northwestern University

whiskerando wrote:
You know, if this kind of collegiate silliness is a problem, then it's pretty much time for everyone to fuck right off.

yet another reason to reinstate the draft.

I struggle to come up with any reason at all to reinstate the draft.

Well, unless you consider the fact that parents shifted their parenting responsibilities to teachers, TV and TV dinners decades ago.

In that case, we ought to get the military to "make men" out of these "spoiled kids".

Hazing at Northwestern University

I struggle to come up with any reason at all to reinstate the draft.

well i was kidding but let's see anyway. it could possibly aid in racial parity in our ranks but that didn't really happen last time so possibly not. maybe it could force a future generation of politicians to make shit up about why they didn't serve. that'd be interesting. not really interesting enough to make up for the deaths of lots of kids but you know, we'll see.

Hazing at Northwestern University

mrdfnle wrote:syntaxfree07 wrote:

"Don't shove pinecones up your ass."

But they threaten me withp hysical harm if I dont shove the pine cone in the ass proper.
Mom never covered this one.

Can't you find a better quote to argue with? You just made me laugh... a lot.

If that is considered a hole in my argument... Wow... I must have done pretty well with my argument.

To answer your question... You take the beating. That way the hazers are actually responsible.

I don't think I could put something up my ass if someone held a gun to my head. I know that's easier to say than do. Maybe they'd break me. I would never be in that situation, though. Not because I don't play sports, but because that has never happened.

That wasn't the case. So don't ask me hypotheticals. You're wasting our time.

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