
Total votes: 40 (80%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 10 (20%)
Total votes: 50

Former president-living person: Ronald Reagan

LAD wrote:Stupid Asshole. All his next of kin should be flayed alive and raped up the anus with open cans of mace. Same goes for Ronald MacDonald.

His son isn't bad. He's kinda funny. I think he might be part of the Green Party or a comedian. Same difference.
A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite. Then you call the guy and hold the burning fuse up to the phone. "Hear that?" you say. "That's dynamite, baby." - Jack Handy

Former president-living person: Ronald Reagan

angry dragon wrote:

His son isn't bad. He's kinda funny. I think he might be part of the Green Party or a comedian. Same difference.

Ron Regan is a coward, and a liar to boot. And no, I don't mean a liar about his opinion on stem cell research. He is a liar every time he says that he is acting out of pure compassion for others and for his father's legacy. He has very strong political and social opinions, and his attempts to mask them are pathetic at best. His cheap shot at bush during his father's funeral did it for me. To have your opinions and share them is one thing, but to use your father's eulogy as your 'bully pulpit' is absolute cowardice.

And I would feel that way about both sides.

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