phildodd wrote:The best thing I ever did after my last break up (well second best thing, after getting laid) was to grow a beard...My ex-girlfriend never let me grow one when I was with her because she had sensitive skin or some bullshit, so as soon as she was out of the picture I grew one...Not sure if that would work for everyone...
This isn't revenge, this is logic. It must be remembered that a beard is man's expression of independence. It has many important attached psychological values. I am fortunate enough to have a girlfriend who is sympathetic to beards, as long as they're not enormous willy oldham type affairs - this is an indicator of her wider tolerance; my brother has an enormous beard which he claims to wear with the precise intention of giving the message to women that he has no interest in relationships whatsoever. He took himself out of the relationship game after deciding it wasn't for him a couple of years back. He claims that having an enormous beard lucidly communicates to his various sexual partners that there's no relationship gonna be involved, that it's a casual thing - saves on the awkward explication of that.
The sex with other women thing - works for some, doesn't for others. Try it and see if you like it. If it makes you feel worse, stick to masturbating. If you do decide to try and get laid, these are wise words:
alex maiolo wrote:2) Nobody can resist a guy who lives like a Damn Hell Ass King.