Which will you save?

Total votes: 31 (40%)
Total votes: 47 (60%)
Total votes: 78

Nirvana or Fugazi

i may have bought the myth (i don't think so) but i think the world is better off with Ian here and Kurt gone, than vice versa.

Although Kurt may have eventually learnt how to keep a lid on Courtney, which would have been of some general utility. He was doing a crap job before he shot himself, tho.

And I thought Kurt was a fine guy and a good songwriter. Nothing against him at all. And I liked his little band when they were just another seattle flannel band that jack endino recorded. If you had asked me at the time, I would have thought swallow or green river or mudhoney would be bigger than nirvana.

but given the question posed, i choose mr. mackaye. i can forgive him a lot of mediocre crap based on minor threat alone. i like a large percentage of his output from the last 20 years. he is still way in the plus column in my ledger.

Nirvana or Fugazi

wow i cant believe nirvana doesnt have more votes... ok so nevermind was poppy but the songwriting was > than fugazi imo.

ive got 13 songs by fugazi and i cant get into it despite listening through the whole thing 5 times now (usually it takes me 5+ listens for an album to really grow on me, jesus lizard "down" comes to mind). there are a few good songs but nothing that really makes me want to buy another one of their albums.

im just voting by my reaction to each artist. i heard in utero by nirvana and it made me want to pick up their other albums. i dl'ed some fugazi, liked some of it, then gave 13 songs a shot but wasnt too thrilled.

btw, the only other artists that i can think of that had this effect of making me buy all other albums upon initial listening were jesus lizard and mclusky... im sorry but fugazi are waay overrated imo but to each his own.

Nirvana or Fugazi

It's funny, the newbies tend to vote Nirvana, and the long(er) time posters/old farts tend to pick Fugazi.

It was cool that Nirvana did well for themselves playing music that was actually good. I never thought it would happen. It was extra cool that they name dropped bands like Flipper and The Meat Puppets. Maybe it sold some records for some under appreciated bands. I found Kurt to be genuinely humble when it came to that sort of thing.
Pat Smear got a new job out of it.

The bad news is that Nirvana breaking ultimately gave us some of the shittiest music ever spewed forth from the record industry: Creed, Stone Temple Pilots, and the legions of bands that "found their true sound," post-Nirvana, like Live. All of those bands with singers who were "yarlers," as my friend Jenny says.
"That guy? He just yarls, like he's in Alice in Chains or something."
Plus, I think they were a "gateway" for even shittier stuff like rap/metal hybrid bands - Korn, Limp Bizkit, Shrimp Bazket, or whatever.
The so-called "punk revolution" is over and the industry won yet again.

I loved Nirvana, but I have to give it to Ian/Fugazi. Without him, his mates and both of his bands, it's very possible there would have been no Nirvana. They helped to write and spread the DIY gospel as much as anyone. Clearly that gospel inspired Kurt, Chad, Jason, Kris and Dave to get up off of their asses to do it. Obviously I don't know for sure, but my guess is that Ian continues to work outside of the mainstream industry because he knows where it gets people who become "successful." He's had the offers, but he seems to make decisions that keep his life simple and therefore happy.


Nirvana or Fugazi

I love Fugazi, but quite frankly i owe so much to Nirvana. I would have missed out on so much music when i was younger. and i wouldn't have started playing guitar, writing lyrics, or being in a band if it were not for them.

Today, i only listen to Bleach really of theirs, which in my opinion is still a top album.

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