Chicago or Coney?

Total votes: 23 (64%)
Total votes: 8 (22%)
Other, like Cincinnati or some shit that nobody cares about
Total votes: 5 (14%)
Total votes: 36

E-O, Hot Dog Style: Chicago vs. Coney

All I get now are the veggie dogs at Hot Dougs, and they are so fine. I delayed becoming a vegetarian until I tried everything on his standard menu, and the more limited number of specials he used to have.

From what I hear, Crif Dogs is the NY hot dog that should be in this competition. I ate a couple of chili dogs at Coney Island once. I felt better the next day.

E-O, Hot Dog Style: Chicago vs. Coney

a couple of nights ago i had chicago style hot dogs for the first time. the grocery store didn't have sport peppers so we settled for banana. it was so good. i'm never going back (unless there's sauerkraut involved). (claussen kosher) pickle spear + hebrew national dog + peppers + onion + tomato wedges + mustard + relish + CELERY SALT????? man celery salt is good. i used to eat hotdogs with ketchup, mustard, mayo (heh) and onions. now i am disgusted with my former self (from one week ago).

chicago style hot dog, you are so delicious.

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