Listen to each others bands...

syntaxfree07 wrote:Wheely:

Buy Rated R. You'll see what I'm talking about. It's definitely not a bad thing at all. I don't see any similarities with other songs. You guys are good.

So I was at a poker party over the weekend and saw that the host had this CD. I put it in and we rocked out. I was able to pay extra attention to it because of an ill-advised, early "all-in". Anyway, I changed my mind: I do like this band, and I can see what you were referring to regarding the similarities to the song in question. I'd like to hear more.

I'd also like to post some songs from a band I was in about 3 years ago, 13 County. These songs, and the band, weren't that great or anything, but the guys who were in the band were some of my best friends and I joined thinking it'd be great fun, which it was.

I'm especially proud of these songs, mainly because it was an "alt-country" band, and I had never played in a band even remotely similar to this style of music. I took it upon myself to write a couple songs for the band, and did my best to ape the style in question. I embraced every stereotype and cliche: singing in a "twangy voice" about hard livin', booze and pills, and think I pulled it off fairly well. The drunks loved us.

Recorded live in a basement on 8-Track reel-to-reel and 2 cases of PBR, I present:
Wanderin' William
Talkin' Falls City Richardson County Blues (The last 1/3 of this song is so ridiculous, it makes me laugh every time. I guess you had to be there.)
A little chi kung up the Ch'ueng Mo O))

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