Another drunk rant I may soon regret.
clocker bob wrote:Soldiering by choice would quickly become soldiering by draft if soldiering by choice failed to staff the armed services, so it's really pick your poison- somebody will be sent to kill those arabs. The blame falls on all of us for keeping governments run by sociopathic death merchants.
However at the moment it's soldiering by morons so all I'm saying is I'm not going to lose sleep over their being set fire to in tanks. Soldiers are at the very sharpest end of ‘those’ who keep ‘us’ in check.
The thrust of the argument on this thread (from some) seems to be if conscription was introduced the middle classes would be affected therefore less shit like Iraq would go on.
As it is there are enough cretins (poor people if you want to see it that way. I don't because I am from that class and have this view) to fuel the armies need for fodder.
I am not feeling sorry for those morons who join up. Here's why:
Either – everyone is fated, victims of their circumstance and there is no such thing as choice i.e moral agency = all of this debate, and all others, are redundant anyway
We all have free will and are born equal and so deserve to be treated equally in terms of the judgment of others/God whatever floats your boat.
Some people are aware enough to behave with moral agency - to use their free will to choose how they live their lives – and some others aren’t. They are pushed by circumstance and ‘fate’.
A,B or C
If A is the case then it doesn’t matter anyway it’s all just interesting to observe and then you shuffle off this mortal coil.
B. If some fucking idiot chooses to take on a job where they will go thousands and thousands of miles from where they live and kill someone else because ‘it’s a good career option’ then I will choose to feel no sympathy when they die.
C. This means some humans are, well, humans and others are animals. This seems to be the middle-classes-need-to-be-forced-into-it view point.
The poor working classes are being shepherded into the army without their little brains knowing it and isn’t it awful how exploited they are? Etc etc
In this scenario I can’t help but think the person with the ability to choose is in my view ‘better’ than the unconscious ‘animal’. Or, at least they are not equal to the animal and should have more votes than them in whatever is standing for a democracy these days.
It means one (those who choose) should rule over the others (those that don’t).
How comfortable are you with that?
I don’t know which of A,B or C is the case but it feels like either B or C (though intellectually I imagine it is A) but, regardless, I decide this:
You join the army - you die – I don’t care.
You join the army – you feel bad about killing and seeing death afterwards – boo hoo, you joined the army dick head, pass me the remote control.
The alternative view seems to be:
You join the army and feel bad and poor you, you weren’t advanced or sophisticated enough to know what you were doing so we forgive you and blame the baddies who knew what they were doing. Blah blah blah
I will temper this with a sentence I think all should make when indulging in debate/argument:
I might be wrong.
But if I am at least I’m not shooting a child in the head cause a bomb just scared me and killed my buddy, eh!