Smite 3 Bands.

1. Radiohead. We dont need anyone trying to bridge the gap between art/post/whatever rock and mainstream stadium rock. Be one or the other. And stop whining you ugly cunt, you sound like a cat dying.

2. Crash Test Dummies. Ok they were a one hit wonder from about 8 years ago, but god that was the worst song I ever heard. I'd give anything to go back in time and rip that wankers spleen out of his arsehole just to stop him writing that piece of shit humming song.

3. Korn. Deftones are, or were, a decent band. No solos, lots of awkward timings, nice jagged riffs. System of a Down are a good band, intelligent, political, lots of eastern european quirkiness. Why these bands share fans with Korn is beyond me. A fat bloke whinging about being bullied at school? I can see why it might appeal to kids but he seems like he really means it. And I agree, that clicky bass thing is vile.
simmo wrote:Someone make my carrot and grapefruits smoke. Please.

Smite 3 Bands.

1. The Rapture.
I love the Gang of Four. I love hearing about how Andy Gill (annoying as he is) would always argue with the drummer about where to emphasize the beats in the song to make it sound unique. I love their... struggle (?) While I think it's fine that people like to shake their ass at post/dance punk shows, I sometimes wonder: have the rapture ever even listened to Go4?
Mostly I hate them because their songs seem to address the same situtations, except with much less emotion and precision. Nice and watered down.

2. Modest Mouse.
I don't see what the big deal is. I'm tired of hearing about it, AGAIN.

3. Bad Religion.
There was this old band from Denver called Dead Silence that had a 7" which parodied BR in all sorts of ways. The cover looked like "how could hell be any worse" but it was called "hell, how can we make any more money then this" In the booklet was a couple of mazes. One I remember was like "Help bad religion negotiate a record deal with atlantic." And there was a path from one side (BR) straight through to the other side (Atlantic.)
A cheap shot, sure. Damn funny? Oh yes.

Smite 3 Bands.

Linkin Park - seriously guys. what were we thinkin' when we let that crap out of the crap hole?
Velvet revolver - i think the only think worse would be getting axle rose to sing for Linkin park....
The Beatles - because it would just completely fuck up all rock music as we know it. which is funny.
Chris Hardings
More implosion lest I need, no wait, karowack need imposter

A Strange Film - Rence or Ramos (ignore)

Smite 3 Bands.

Oh I'm sorry, didn't realize it was "currently existing bands".
In which case I'd have to say insane clown posse at least with nickel back you're like "Ok, I get it, larry graham meets bush" but ICP...I don't even comrehend how these guys are a band.

Chris Hardings
More implosion lest I need, no wait, karowack need imposter

A Strange Film - Rence or Ramos (ignore)

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