GYBE and the like...suggestions?

larry bird wrote:yeah definately check out do make say think. they are great. thier newest album especially.

also, mono. the album, one step more and you die. similar to mogwai.

mono is a great band.
but i always liked "under the pipal tree" a bit more than "one step more and you die". i think it's definately the best of the 2. but you can't go wrong w/ mono...
I could have been a contender...

GYBE and the like...suggestions?

..Labradford/Pan American, DMST etc. etc. all excellent suggestions and certainly worth your time.

you might also like to try The Beans who are more about the stark, skeletal side - think brushed cymbals and radio static rather than roaring crescendos. I'd peg them with Hood, Movietone and the like who you might also want to look over.

I know there's at least one other board member who's almost as fanatical as me about the criminally overlooked Bark Psychosis, although not quite in the same vein you should find them simpatico although I'm not sure if Hex is still in print in the US, the new album is superb too.

GYBE and the like...suggestions?

A Silver Mt Zion, it is actually people from GYBE but in my 'humble' opinion better. They change their name with every record but it's easy enough to figure out that it's the same band cause it's only by a word or two. Get the first one and work your way up to the newest. Great progression over the course of 3 albums and an EP.
Better yet, eat the placenta!!!

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