G'day? or G'night?

Best use of an SG in a rock band since AC/DC
Total votes: 10 (26%)
The dingos should eat their babies
Total votes: 28 (74%)
Total votes: 38


Except without those nails-on-chalkboard vocals.

I like 'em. I tend to listen to a lot of retro "70s-ish shlock rock" and they are definitely one of the better practitioners thereof. They're ajust the tiniest bit on the polished and slick side for my tastes, but they still bring the rock.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture


This is just 70's rock stuff isn't it. I don't see what the buzz is about these guys in particular. But when I was in S'tralia earlier this year they seemed really popular.

Didn't the Datsuns do this only a little while back (2 years)?

And then Jet last year-ish?

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