matthew wrote:
Let these Islamicist assholes throw themselves at us; we'll either kill them or round them up and punish them.
I made my point. Anyone who has ever spent an hour around a frat boy pussy like GWB, who had his chance to risk his life for his country but instead spent his Vietnam years doing blow and driving drunk around Alabama and getting bounced out of the Air National Guard ( pretty hard to do when your daddy is George Bush ), and then gets himself nepotized into the job of commander-in-chief, any of us, we see that guy say "Bring them on!" to the insurgency, we are disgusted by the fool playing with fire and get madder at the direction of a country allowed to exist by fellow fantasy world tough guys like the crowd of PNAC chicken hawk deserters and the people in Doylestown who vote their puppet in.
I'm laughing at you seeing GWB say, "Bring them on!" and thinking, "That's the kind of man I want to be when I grow up". You see a leader. Maybe you should grow up. Do not pretend to yourself that you personally are fighting a battle against the "Islamicist assholes". Real people in the real world are spilling blood for this lost cause / perpetual war funding crusade, and your comic book Catholicism that lets you think you are standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the poor people down in the shit is too retarded for me to answer in any way but with insults.