clocker bob wrote:cwiko wrote:While I applaud every attempt at critical thinking & questioning of authority, I must vehimately disagree with what I just spent the past hour watching. It seems that all of these 'experts' look only at one factor concerning the collapse of the WTC buildings.
clocker bob wrote: Because a single expert didn't cover the fire, the plane impacts and the collapse of the towers, you vehemently disagree with the sum of their individual theories?
I realize that my original point here was a bit weak, but I was just trying to point out that the pieces of the puzzle they all bring to the table don't seem to fit together very well for me. And thank you for the correct spelling of 'vehemently', it didn't look right to me in the first place.
cwiko wrote:One says the pancake theory is bogus (despite many firefighters who I've heard repeat like a mantra "don't trust the truss")
clocker bob wrote: Firemen have seen individual floors collapse above them when a truss fails- that's a long way from saying that firemen ever expected 110 stories of trusses to collapse in an orderly series, pulling down 4 inch thick core columns and elevator shafts at the same rate. Firemen do not avoid entering steel skyscrapers for fear the building will collapse around them- didn't before 9/11, didn't on 9/11, don't after 9/11. If the truss melting pancake theory was so bulletproof, why did the NOVA special fail to address the core columns?
Of course they didn't expect 110 stories to collapse, orderly series or not. No one had been confronted with the variables surrounding these fires before: impact of a plane fully-laden with fuel for a cross-country flight, an impact of 200 mph and an hour or so of uncontrolled burn. It is impossible to tell at what rate the core columns fell during the collapse, as there is thick smoke & dust obscuring where the towers had been standing for several moments immediately following the collapse. You are correct, firemen do not avoid entering burning buildings, truss or no truss system...this is their job & they are very brave for doing it. I can't speak for the lack of info on the NOVA special, as I wasn't involved in putting it together. Perhaps your question would be better answered by a producer of this special.
cwiko wrote:while another says the fire couldn't have caused the steel to melt.
clocker bob wrote: Simple math. Hydrocarbon fires do not approach the temperature required to significantly weaken the quality of steel used in those towers, not even if the fires are ignited by jet fuel. The fires were burning out pre-collapse. People were standing in the holes made by the planes, and firemen and tenants were in stairwells above and below the floors impacted by the jets. There was no raging inferno in those buildings, there were pockets of fire.
When structural steel is damaged (as by a jet flying into it at around 200 mph), I have to imagine (given properties exhibited by other materials when weakened) that this may have made the steel more susceptible to the flames. The steel was weakened. I believe dismissing the fires altogether is a mistake...there is no way these fires would have helped these buildings to stay standing. I've seen much video of this tragic event, and not once have I seen evidence of the fires burning themselves out or people standing in the holes made by the planes. I do agree that firemen and tenants were in stairwells above and below the floors impacted by the jets (this is possible by the construct of the interior of the building's stairwells shafts). I didn't mean to imply that the entire interior of the buildings were ablaze, but it seems clear to me that much of the impacted areas were & some surrounding areas of the interior core were as well.
cwiko wrote:Yet another says that the buildings would've survived an impact by a jetliner. I do realize that last one was from one of the building's designers/engineers, but is it at all possible that he may have been exaggerating slightly when he said they could withstand mulitple impacts?
clocker bob wrote: What multiple impacts? One plane per tower. It's not some exaggerated boasting by the building's architects that they would absorb a plane's impact- they did, without flinching. You can't knock down steel syscrapers with a flying tin can, speed is irrelevant.
The WTC designer/engineer said that they could withstand mulitple aircraft impacts. This may not have been in this video, but he HAS said this in other video I have seen of him. Flying tin can full of jet fuel. Besides...a flying tin can?? Have you ever tried to lift a plane? Pretty fucking heavy. It's only the laws of physics (lift vs. drag plus velocity) that allows a plane to fly. I believe the assumption of the flying tin can is an abhorrent over-simplification.
cwiko wrote: Pride in one's work is understandable, but constructing what at the time were the world's tallest buildings may lead one to make statements slightly beyond the scope of reality. Let's do keep in mind that the buildings did survive the inital impact of the planes.
clocker bob wrote: Well, yeah. Why are you telling us to keep it in mind? We all saw it.
Just throwing a bone is all. Perhaps I should have prefaced that with, 'That said...'
cwiko wrote:]From what I understand (and the video failed to address), the fireproofing was blown off of the steel at the impact of the jetliners at around 200 mph. This impact would also create substantial structural damage.
clocker bob wrote: If fireproofing was blown off the steel ( unproven ), bare steel remains, steel that cannot be melted by a hydrocarbon fire. How do you explain the fractured steel on the other floors without a plane impact and without fire?
On the contrary, it was proven that the fireproofing had been blown off. Either that or it was burned off (but I'm sure if that contention was made, we'd have some stats of showing that the fires weren't hot enough to burn the fireproofing off) as there was no fire-proof covered steel at the site. I might also argue that the fractured steel on the other floors was caused by the impact of the jet. From what I have found, much of the glass of the buildings was blown out at the impact. Why not jump on this as some sort of evidence of a conspiracy, too?
clocker bob wrote: I'm stopping here, not because I think your questions aren't worth discussing, but because everything I might say here has been said before in the existing 9/11 threads.