Smiths, The

Total votes: 52 (31%)
Total votes: 118 (69%)
Total votes: 170

Band: Smiths, The

MajorEverettMiller wrote:If you're going to try an convince me that Morrissey/The Smiths are good then you may as well try and convince me that bananas are delicious, because they're not.

A man after my own heart.

Four good songs: "London," "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out," "Bigmouth Strikes Again" and "How Soon Is Now?"

The rest? After trying many, many times to enjoy them, I've come to realize that I cannot, just as I cannot eat bananas without gagging.


Band: Smiths, The

Limmo wrote:

Four good songs: "London," "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out," "Bigmouth Strikes Again" and "How Soon Is Now?"

exactly. Smiths have a few rad songs, but too many boring ones. Morrissey can be really funny. That M in Manchester DVD is fucking great: great camera work, excellent sound, a crack band, and crazed fans. All they want to do is shake Moz's hand. Half of it is pretty ez listening so if you already hate Morrissey it won't change your mind. I just like how much these people need him.

Band: Smiths, The

Bananas are delicious. Hating bananas is like hating puppies. You guys don't hate puppies, do you?

As far as the Smiths go, I have the two-volume greatest hits, which totals to a little more than a single cd's worth of good music. It's swell enough, but I've never felt the need to acquire anything more.

But every time someone brings up the Smiths, I remember a job I held for five weeks during the summer between my freshman and sophmore years of college. This was in Bellingham, Washington, in the very early 90s, and the job was at an awful buffet restaurant called King's Table. I washed dishes. Almost all of my co-workers were bona fide dirtbags--not guys who liked Judas Priest in junior high and who defend them vociferously on crap/not crap boards, but guys who liked Judas Priest, who dropped out of high school at the age of 15, and who either had kids by the age of 16 or whose idea of "partying" was hanging out in the woods with two or three friends and drinking Stoh's until they puked.

(The exception was another dishwasher who liked Husker Du. We formed a grunge band that lasted about a month. We were called Lugnut, which is as grunge a name as anything.)

Anyhoo, one day, I'm sitting with these dirtbags in the restaurant during break, when a couple of them mention that they like the Smiths. This, obviously, surprised me. A Judas Priest lover with long hair who wore shades inside teased them about this. One of the Smiths guys apparently felt a threat to his manhood, so he said this (and this is verbatim):

"I used to have posters of Morrissey all over my walls, until I found out that he was a fag, so I tore 'em all down."

I'm sitting there wondering what shocked me more: the genuine and genuinely reprehensible homophobia, or the fact that the guy had to be told that Morrissey wasn't straight.

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