
Total votes: 7 (8%)
Total votes: 81 (92%)
Total votes: 88

Band: Nomeansno

reading this poll made me happier, really. there is not a single crap thing about this band. and they are fucking huge in poland, which i find uber cool as i haven't heard their song a single time on the radio or anything, but still every of their gigs sells out instantly without any promotion. my favorite record is wrong, im kicking my self i borrowed this cassette to some dude i've lost contact with. it was like 4 years ago. 4 years without listening to "wrong". ouch.

Band: Nomeansno

The first time I ever saw them play in Kelowna in 1986 was one of the most amazing live performances I have ever seen. They were a revelation. Jesus Lizard like energy. I've seen them numerous times since. I find their records do not capture the live power. I should sell my copy of mama on ebay.

Band: Nomeansno

I had the picture above as my wallpaper for a whole four hours today, until it was pointed out to me after lunch that should a person not want to look at an amusing picture of the greatest living lyricist/bass player combination sat on a playground swing, that person might find it somewhat disturbing. It made the people who sit behind me uncomfortable. I bet Nomeansno would be amused by that. I have not replaced it with a photo of Mr Wright in nazi/vicar get-up.

Band: Nomeansno

Nomeansno. Wow.

Saw them at a party at Hampshire College around 89 or so. Had never heard of them. The opening act was a European group called the Ex who my friends were very excited to see. I have no idea if the Ex were any good because their guitarist broke his ankle during the first song and that was that.

Then Nomeansno came out and BURNED THE PLACE TO THE GROUND.

Wrong came out a little while later. Unbelievably great album.

Haven't paid much attention since, but they would have to have turned into Milli Vanilli to merit a Crap rating.


Band: Nomeansno

Andrew L. wrote:
while they may not have had bunches of social skills,

These guys are fucking sweethearts. Don't know what this comment refers to. They're not tattooed and Rob might have a dog eared copy of Being and Time in the tour van (Nomobile), but a wittier band you'll seldom find, pace Shellac.

well when we played with them they were kind of standoffish until after we played, it just seemed that they were very sick of having to watch crap ass opening bands. They just seem like quiet people to me (which is strange in indy rock) after we played they can me up to me and told me how much they liked it, and then we talked about the band Wire... they seemed nice, however I can see how there standoffishness could come across as assholishness...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

Band: Nomeansno

The new album All Roads Lead To Ausfahrt is excellent (on AntAcid via Ipecac, Southern in Europe)... at least as good as The Worldhood Of The World (As Such)... possibly their best since 0+2=1...

It's a little more poppy and "studio-ey" as far as going back to 3 minute-ish song lengths with only a couple topping 6 minutes, and doing things on songs that can't be necessarily replicated live fully... but it rocks non stop. And yeah, there's a bit of the Hansons creeping in on the new record. But it's quite the opposite of One (or No One) and Dance Of The Headless Bourgeiouse songwise... not to say those album are inferior, but just very different. Still "proggy" or "having lots of parts per song"-ey.
"Pro Tools is too California Hollywood bullshit.”

Band: Nomeansno

mackro wrote:The new album All Roads Lead To Ausfahrt is excellent (on AntAcid via Ipecac, Southern in Europe)... at least as good as The Worldhood Of The World (As Such)... possibly their best since 0+2=1...

It's a little more poppy and "studio-ey" as far as going back to 3 minute-ish song lengths with only a couple topping 6 minutes, and doing things on songs that can't be necessarily replicated live fully... but it rocks non stop. And yeah, there's a bit of the Hansons creeping in on the new record. But it's quite the opposite of One (or No One) and Dance Of The Headless Bourgeiouse songwise... not to say those album are inferior, but just very different. Still "proggy" or "having lots of parts per song"-ey.

HOLY SHIT! I didn't know it was out! YAHAYYY!!! WHOOO HOOOOO!!!! YIPPEEEEEE!!!!!!! :D :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Band: Nomeansno

Chapter Two wrote:
mackro wrote:The new album All Roads Lead To Ausfahrt is excellent (on AntAcid via Ipecac, Southern in Europe)... at least as good as The Worldhood Of The World (As Such)... possibly their best since 0+2=1...

It's a little more poppy and "studio-ey" as far as going back to 3 minute-ish song lengths with only a couple topping 6 minutes, and doing things on songs that can't be necessarily replicated live fully... but it rocks non stop. And yeah, there's a bit of the Hansons creeping in on the new record. But it's quite the opposite of One (or No One) and Dance Of The Headless Bourgeiouse songwise... not to say those album are inferior, but just very different. Still "proggy" or "having lots of parts per song"-ey.

HOLY SHIT! I didn't know it was out! YAHAYYY!!! WHOOO HOOOOO!!!! YIPPEEEEEE!!!!!!! :D :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

AGREED - best news I've heard all day.

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