Ghost Stories

I did have a chat with the thin air though, just to make my intentions clear 'Look, I don't mess with you, you don't mess with me, deal?'

you gotta keep it real.

when I was about 6 years old, my dad had always tucked me in at night after he got ready for bed. one night im pretty sure my overactive immagination got to me, it was pretty dark but I swear when my dad came to tuck me in it was a ghostly figure with it's arms up and came right at me. I blinked, and no one was there. I can't explain it, but I know I wasn't sleeping.

I also have been abducted by aliens numerous times in my nightmares as kid, bright lights, numbness, paralyzed. they dragged me by my feet down long hallways. I'd always wake up sweating. I'm pretty sure those were dreams... I hope.
ben wrote:I tend to get a little cynical in social situations where I see large groups of people enjoying themselves.

Ghost Stories

tipcat, i have heard a few stories like that (your girlfriend's).. most have to do with someone sitting on the edge of a bed and feeling the weight, but i have heard at least one that involved actual cuddling. totally weird dude. my boyfriend's sister is one of these.

these days my new haunted haunt is, again, a restaurant my boyfriend works at, but this time it's the upstairs. the building, which is late 19th century, had a huge fire one year... in the upstairs there is a lot of exposed brick (it's like a giant loft sort of) and you can see the black marks. no one goes up there anymore it's just used as storage for a bunch of shit. supposedly there have been a lot of sightings of a little girl in there by employees, and honestly whenever we go up there to hit the bowl there is a very creepy, musty thing going on and occassionally you'll get tingles.

my house is kind of weird too. our area was big for transients as we live next to the old main railroad line, actually one which kerouac mentions in his travels. our house is a 1914 or so. in the bathroom mirror i see this weird brown thing swinging behind me every once in awhile. like a brown or black rocket shooting from behind me. it's like, i dunno. i have long brown hair so it could be my ponytail but i don't see how that is possible when i am not moving and my hair is in a bun. also phantom sulpher smells in the area where i feel the most weird shit. our neighbor who maintains and owns this beautiful old victorian remembers the original inhabitants of our home from the 20s, but i haven't got any full stories on them. i have always been hyper aware of the potential history of old houses we've lived in but this is the only one where i've actually felt weird. thankfully only in the bathroom though, and the main bedroom which is half why we sleep in the den.

Ghost Stories

glynnisjohns wrote:.
But i could feel something opressive or evil and it was fucking scary. We both agreed there was a presence in the room that was unexplained or not of this plane. this feeling persisted for at least 3 minutes and then it was gone. Never happened again.
Whatever it was, it was not positive or happy.

firs of, i started walking around my appartment moving newspapers and books from one place to another, opening and closing fridge without even looking inside... i just can't get over stories like that. after reading post quoted above,i felt i needed to share. i haven't thought about the following incident in a long time. it seems like it's laughably easy to explain, though.
it happend a few yers back, i was sleeping with one room with my brother, in an apartment we lived ever since we were born. i woke up at night, looked at my brother's bed and saw a black shape sitting there. (actually, i remember it was somewhat shining, and about size of a man). bedding was white so i could shape of this thing, looking in my direction.
i felt absolutely paralized, and hide my head under the quilt. i can't find words to desribe this feeling, but i felt this thing was absolutely evil. i was horrified beyond words, i mean it. i used my hand to move quilt a bit so i could look at it for a moment (i was way to scared to move from my bed). it was there. i turned back and faced the wall (still under the quilt), scared to death. i don't receall what happend next. i'm sure i was laying for a long time looking at the wall and being out of my mind.
after the sunrise, i looked again and nothing was there. <end of the 'ghost' part>
in the morning i sent a sms to my a friend of mine, mentioning i saw something in the night. two or three days later, we were walking in a park, it was a beautiful sunny day and she asked me about it. i froze, my heart literally stopped beating for a few seconds- it was the first time since that night i realized what happend..btw: this is the first time i'm thinking about it in a very long time, it has to be buried very deeply in my mind. which is a very good thing.

of course, the most obvious explanation is that i was dreaming, and intelectually, i'm almost convinced i was. but i know i was awake. i have very vivid dreams but i always can tell a diffrence between a memory of something real and a memory of a dream. i'm also familiar with waking up in the middle of the night of looking at a vaguely human shape, slightly moving a few yards from me. it happend about 8 times - each time it was a towell on a chair or something like that, move was created by my imagination. i was never scared in those situations. or maybe bit, but if that was i recall laying and calmly wondering what the hell could it be. other "ghosts" expierences i had was seeing my father at corner of my eye while walking on the streets.
so i'm basically saying i know what i'm saying when i say that i know i wasn't sleeping. but who the hell knows.

oh, just for the record: when i was in the middle of the post, my girlfriend visited me. she just came back from a flat she will probably rent (who knows, i may end there too). thing is, landlord told her very openly that this flat is haunted. her father died in one of the rooms, and he still visits this place once in a while (or he is there all the time, but he doesn't reveales him self - you get the deal). preavious tentant had not believed in ghosts untill she lived there, but she says it wasn't a scary expierence at all. she heard someone walking, taps turned themselfes on from time to time, this type of thing. once she heard loud knocking on the wood in the room she was and she heard dead's man voice saying "good morning miss ann". this is how he always greeted her, she knew this man when since she was kid.

so yes, it would be very easy to say all those stories are results of fertile imagination, but i don't think so. still, i sure hope mine is.

Ghost Stories

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:I saw a ghost once, but I am also well aware that this ghost could be the function of my overactive imagination.

Still, I saw something that was pretty scary to me!

It was a ghost!

In my apartment!

In Chicago!

Or at least that's what I think that I saw. It seemed real, but who knows? She never showed up again.

Come on, Brad, I think we're owed a story here! What did you see?

My dad, his younger brother, his parents and his old neighbors swear that they all saw a UFO fly slowly overhead their neighborhood in the late 1960s. It's pretty eerie to hear them tell it. I'm not saying they saw an actual UFO, but a large portion of the street saw something that they could not explain.

Neat, huh?

Ghost Stories

John W. wrote:On of my favorite haunted house movies is the original version of 'The Haunting' (the remake really sucked). Silly, b/w, a little creepy in parts.

The thing that gets me is that for all you hear about haunted houses... there just aren't that many good movies out there about them.

that's a really good scary movie! i like how withholding it is.

this is an excellent thread, btw.

is there a "c/nc: ghosts" poll?

Ghost Stories

Spudboy wrote:Ok, I have one that is related to audio equipment...

I used to live in an old (1915) condo in a six-flat on the south edge of Uptown in Chicago. Our place was the finished basement and first floor. Among more than a couple odd things being moved (including a glass carboy for beermaking being thrown 10 feet across the storage room and shattered from the shelf it was sitting on with over a foot of clearance to the edge) etc, we had several instances of feeling weird cold drafts - in the summertime - around the stairs or in the basement, and one of our friends that looked after our cat while we were gone expressed reluctance to do so again as "you guys have something in the basement".

My home studio was set up at the far end of the basement (basically one big room), and I was toiling away late one night playing with some sequencing software and my Akai S2800. It was about 3am, and I was taking a short break to light a cigarette and dig up some more samples, when suddenly this groaning sound erupted from the speakers, at double the volume of anything else that night. I froze. Then, this slow, strange rhythm started playing with a droning noise...loose, but seemingly orchestrated. I was a little freaked, but I figured ok...old building, power surge - my synth is freaking out. So, I unplugged the MIDI cables from the back of the sampler.

It kept playing.

Now, I'm freaked. For those unfamiliar, the S2800 is a simple machine. You load samples, and trigger them via MIDI - no onboard sequencing or triggering capability beyond the "play" button for a single sample. This was a multi-track performance of some sort.

Once I managed to shake out of my stupor, I grabbed a tape and jammed it into my 8-track. The music stopped, but I hit record and sat down. After about a 2 minute break, it did it again. Similar, but with some minor differences in timing and note selection.

I should also mention that the entire time, I feel chilled and my hair in on end. My wife (apl4eris to you) ran down halfway through the second time, asking what this was, and also experienced this cold/electrical feeling.

After a few minutes, it stopped, and never played again. The sampler worked perfectly to this day, and I have absolutely no rational explanation for this, but here is what I got on tape, for your judgement.

Sweet dreams.

P.S. I intend to use this as a hidden track on a record, so all rights reserved.

Since this thread has been resurrected, as it were, I've updated the link above.

some ghost musics for your ears.

It is really nice to listen to. The louder, the better. Kinda sounds like Noh theater music performed with Tibetan Buddhist monks. Only spookier.

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