Pink Floyd - The Wall?

Total votes: 26 (46%)
Total votes: 31 (54%)
Total votes: 57

Album, film, concept : Pink Floyd - The Wall

wes9 wrote:
galanter wrote:I, barely, vote Not Crap based on the ear candy and soaring guitar parts

Ear Candy? Ear Candy!? This record sounds like dogshit. Gilmour's hyper-compressed guitar tone is among the worst I've ever heard. His "soaring" solos make me vomit blood.

You're right. I'd rather have Dark Side of the Moon be the one I describe as just barely Not Crap for the ear candy and soaring guitars. The Wall I'll describe as just barely Crap because it doesn't have quite enought ear candy and soaring guitar parts.

Album, film, concept : Pink Floyd - The Wall

Pink Floyd are/were so completely musically irrelevant to me that I've started this sentence 5 or 6 times already, such has been my struggle to think of anything good or bad to say about them.

Every post-Syd recording they made was nothing. Utterly vacuous, pointless, idea-free noise. May as well have recorded a vacuum-cleaner.


Album, film, concept : Pink Floyd - The Wall

Adam CR wrote:Pink Floyd are/were so completely musically irrelevant to me that I've started this sentence 5 or 6 times already, such has been my struggle to think of anything good or bad to say about them.

Every post-Syd recording they made was nothing. Utterly vacuous, pointless, idea-free noise. May as well have recorded a vacuum-cleaner.


Wow. This is saddening.


I am incredibly glad that this is not the sound of a vacuum cleaner.

Album, film, concept : Pink Floyd - The Wall

alex maiolo wrote:Let me get this straight...
You dig 2112, an Ayn Rand based sci-fi tale of priests hunting down a renegade who has procured a verbotten guitar in a cave, and think *my* brain is damaged?

I'll give you The Wall. I can waffle hard on that one. I was once a 15 year old boy in an altered state and nostalgia is a powerful thing, but even back when I thought Neil Peart's lyrics were heaaaavvvvy I thought 2112 was just too much. At least Hemispheres gets it over with in ONE side.

My deal was always the over-indulgence component of these types of records. Do we really need 4 sides to tell a story?
This is rock music, man.
Rip off the band aid already.

Dude, you like Heart.

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