comics you like

simmo wrote:
fantasmatical thorr wrote:jeffrey browns 'clumsy' is all too familiar. really good, heartbreaking, frustrating!

'Tis great, I love it - but I've gotg a couple of others by him that are EXACTLY THE SAME. This dude is so emo. And a one-trick pony. Pity cos he started off so well....

yeah well, all those kinda comics are sorta samey...jeff brown is just completely self obssessed, quite clearly. at least tomine with optic nerve has the wit to 'invent' other charatcers etc...and i think it shoud have cost me much less than it did. i read it in an hour. that galls me.
Tom wrote: I remember going in the back and seeing him headbanging to Big Black. He looked like he was raping the air- really. He had this look on his face like, "yeah air... you know you want it.".

comics you like

tommydski wrote:i have heard about that comic but not ever seen it.

apparently he's the last man in the entire world right?
as a card-carrying misandrist that doesn't sound like such a crisis to me. :lol:

The conflict arises when you find out that he's in fact in love with just one woman and she's on the other side of the planet and world has returned to a state similar to before the industrial revolution as men were the majority of nuclear engineers, pilots, ship captains, government officials, etc. So he's trying to get to Austrailia from New York with a government agent sworn to protect him and a geneticist that wants to study him.

comics you like

I will second/third/whatever Chris Ware stuff. Daniel 'ghost world' Clowes is a bit hit miss for me but his recent ICE HAVEN was an absolute treat.

I have tried so so many times to bring my favourite comic to the attention of this board but to no avail. 100 Bullets. It really is my favourite comic of all time. Written by a Chicago native Brian Azzarello, and often featuring more 'indie' landmarks and places of the city itself. It's not restricted to just that though, and his partner Eduardo Risso's artwork is so good that it takes a fair few reads to actually notice it's greatness. Rarely fancy, always superb.

It's tone lies somewhere between on-form Batman (sans the costumes) and the Usual Suspects. Or something like that anyway. In fact, Azzarello and Risso did do a Batman story called Broken City which was also great.

It is still running at the moment. I think it is up to issue 72 out of a pre-planned 100. I usually wait for the collections to come out, of which there are 9 i think at the moment. Also, it's nice and easy to come by being that is published by DC/Vertigo.
I love the way it was pitched as a 100 issue run, with the whole plot already mapped out in their heads (minus a few details i imagine).

If anyone buys it, reads it, and then really hates it, i will give you your money back. It really is bloody marvellous.
You're a shit DM and i want my pizza money back.

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