Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

Earwicker wrote:
AlBStern wrote:Just out of curiosity, how do you think Israel should have responded to the attacks?

How's about evacuating all the illegal settlements on any land occupied since 1967 and letting any Arab's bombed from their own land back onto it?

Failing that just get it over with and kill them all.

I see. And by all you include innocent Israeli citizens as well? For the life of me, I can't figure out the justification of comments like this and similar ones above. The fact of the mater is that the majority on both sides want to be able to live in peace. How is advocating the killing of Israelis any better than the Palestinians?

Israel just pulled out of Gaza and is in the process of doing the same in the West Bank. I realize they aren't going all the way back to '67 borders but they are moving in the right direction.
Eat me.

Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

AlBStern wrote:Just out of curiosity, how do you think Israel should have responded to the attacks?

Earwicker wrote:How's about evacuating all the illegal settlements on any land occupied since 1967 and letting any Arab's bombed from their own land back onto it?

Failing that just get it over with and kill them all.

AlBStern wrote:I see. And by all you include innocent Israeli citizens as well?

Why would Israel want to kill all it's own innocent civilians? No, no, no, I just mean they could kill all the Arabs. It'd make the problem go away.

AlBStern wrote:For the life of me, I can't figure out the justification of comments like this and similar ones above.

Why does there need to be any justification for it?
It's a post on a message board. I haven't, say, just dropped a bomb on a house wiping out almost an entire family while they were asleep.
i don't think i've said anything too offensive at all.
I apologise if I've hurt anyone's feelings.

AlBStern wrote:The fact of the mater is that the majority on both sides want to be able to live in peace. How is advocating the killing of Israelis any better than the Palestinians?

I think you're mistaking me for someone else. I'm not advocating anyone killing anyone. And unfortunately you're wrong - the majority don't want to live in peace. Both countries are democracy's remember?

AlBStern wrote:Israel just pulled out of Gaza and is in the process of doing the same in the West Bank. I realize they aren't going all the way back to '67 borders but they are moving in the right direction.

No no no. They just moved back into Gaza, it looks like they might go back into Lebanon and they are not in the process of pulling out of the West Bank.
The right direction would be back to the 67 borders - unconditionally.

that = peace

or as near as that region is going to get to it.

Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

Haven't you people learned anything from the American media? When Arabs attack and kill Israeli civilians, it is an act of terrorism. When Israel responds with conventional military tactics which inevitably kill Arab civilians, it is a legitimate response.

I know that might seem like a "double standard" to some of you, but if it does then you are simply anti-semitic. Why do you hate Jews? You're worse than Hitler. I can't believe you can't see the difference between killing civilians with helicopter-mounted rockets and killing civilians with a vest full of RDX.
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Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

The right direction would be back to the 67 borders - unconditionally.

that = peace

Don't be naive.

What happened when Israel *was* at the 67 borders? They were attacked that's what.

It doesn't matter where the border is. Wherever it is those who have vowed to wipe out Israel will go up to the line and start launching missiles.

Just as they did then. Just as they did when Israel unilaterally left Gaza. Just as has happened at the Lebanese border.

As long as the most radical elements in the Middle East are allowed to have veto power over a peace process, peace will be impossible.

When Israel had internal radicals they literally dragged them out of Gaza kicking and screaming. When will the Palestinians tame the radicals within their ranks? When will the Lebanese?

There are those who simply don't want a two state solution, and they find a way to stop it from happening at every turn. That's the problem.

(As if they would magically stop at the 67 borders...where is *any* evidence that that's true?)
Last edited by galanter_Archive on Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

galanter wrote:
I can't believe you can't see the difference between killing civilians with helicopter-mounted rockets and killing civilians with a vest full of RDX.

I can't believe you can't see the difference between targeting military leaders who intentionally hide behind women and children, and targeting restaurants knowing full well that women and children are your primary target.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. If that's what you need to tell yourself to feel better about what's going on - they're "hiding behind" human shields of women and children - knock yourself out. Just don't expect the rest of the world to play along with you.

Holy Israel would never target civilians. EVER. It's merely an unavoidable accident when they do.

Also, Sabra and Shatila what?
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