I m back

I was rocker654, but I forgot my password and cleared my cookies and email. Oh well.

My life has been hell as of late, and it's been due to internet hijinx on another board. It seems as though some holier-than-thou types found some moral objection to some of my myspace friends, mainly because they're primarily women. At first they were trying to insinuate that I'm some sort of smut peddler, but the accusations only got worse.

For those of you who have myspace accounts, you know there's no real filtering process when you decide to accept a new friend, it's either accept or deny. Well, I guess I should've looked a little more deeply when I decided to accept, as it seems there's a female or two that weren't quite 18 years of age. Users of this said board latched on to this as a tool of slander and decided to announce to the world that I'm a pedophile.

Yeah, I may have inadvertently accepted a 17 yr old as a friend. Big goddamn deal. When I was 17 I was already doing the nasty. In fact, it was my prime objective. Besides, women these days are much more mature and sophisticated these days then when I was that age.

Any how, I just wanted to give you a heads up in case some jackasses from the enemy camp ended up here to troll and let you know it is entirely bullshit. That is all.

I m back

uncledaddy wrote:Yeah, I may have inadvertently accepted a 17 yr old as a friend. Big goddamn deal. When I was 17 I was already doing the nasty. In fact, it was my prime objective. Besides, women these days are much more mature and sophisticated these days then when I was that age.

So you ARE a pedophile and this is how you justify it in your mind and otherwise?

And if you are a spambot you'd better tell a joke and/or offer me some pills and/or porn.
Last edited by Major_Archive on Thu Jul 13, 2006 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
**Do we need the other Chemical Bros. records??

I m back

uncledaddy wrote:
MajorEverettMiller wrote:So you ARE a pedophile and this is how just justify it in your mind and otherwise?

Just who are you to look down your nose at me in judgement?

Tell me you wouldn't feel defensive after a post like this:

http://tcpunk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t ... 3d6c0670d6

Okay, man.

1. You seem WAY too defensive if you are in fact innocent of being a creep.

2. If you really ARE 43, what the fuck are you doing on My Space?

3. Anybody with partial vision in one eye can tell that those chicks are underage...or at least way too young to chance it.

4. Anybody with a handle as creepy as "uncledaddy" trying to convince me that they are not a sexual deviant of some sort is a lost fucking cause.
**Do we need the other Chemical Bros. records??

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