Need to Buy New Hi-Fi and Speakers-- Have $4,000 to spend

I used to work in a Hi-Fi shop for 3 years, and got to hear a lot of speakers ranging from like $300 a pair up to $80K a pair. The best speakers I ever heard are the Dynaudio Contour 1.3 mkII. They were, when I worked there, something like $3,200 a pair. Bookshelf. Best...speakers...EVER.

I was surprised, happy, and jealous when I checked out Carl Saff's website and saw that he uses a pair. I guess more jealous than anything. :)
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

Need to Buy New Hi-Fi and Speakers-- Have $4,000 to spend

Yeah, the Dynaudio Contour line is great. Remarkable imaging, clinical clarity, and with a strong amp, plenty of bass for small to medium sized rooms (tho I need a sub for my work). The 1.3SEs, which is what I have, are actually a step up from the MKIIs.

The good news for anyone interested in stereo upgrades is this place...

...where tons of the best audio gear is available used for much less, and is being sold by people who take good care of their stuff. There's snake oil BS there, as well (like $1000 speaker cables) -- just ignore that.

I see Contour 1.3SEs for $1500-$2000 all the time over there. It's where I found mine.

Need to Buy New Hi-Fi and Speakers-- Have $4,000 to spend

hueylew wrote:thanks. what about amp and pre-amp? is arcam stuff any good? should i get something with tubes?

I wouldn't get tube equipment unless you have a clear idea of your setup.

I would spend about half your money on speakers. B+W 805s are always a good bet. Matrix good, Nautilus better, Signature is absolutely phenomenal.

I heard an Ayre AX-7 integrated amp with the B&W Signature 805s and thought that setup sounded terrific.

I have a Myryad preamp (MP100?)--company was started by ex-Arcam guys. Nice preamp. The integrateds they make are quite nice and undervalued if you find a used one.

Arcam stuff is pretty good. Long term, I have had power supply issues with a CD player and an amplifier. Sounds decent, though I'm not sure I wouldn't rather just have an old McIntosh or Scott integrated. All that stuff has a somewhat similar sound to me--a little sweet (low-midrangey).

I second Audiogon as a great place to buy/sell used stuff.

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