G'day? or G'night?

Best use of an SG in a rock band since AC/DC
Total votes: 10 (26%)
The dingos should eat their babies
Total votes: 28 (74%)
Total votes: 38


B_M_L wrote:Also the is a band from Pennsylvania on Drag City called Pearls & Brass. They do this 70's rock thing a whole lot better. And their drummer is great.

Damn straight. I think there's a C/NC thread on them. I've seen them a couple times now and they don't disappoint.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture


And there are plenty of bands doing the straight outta the 70s thang better and for far longer than Wolfmother.

They're fine, just not the phenomenon they're being made out to be.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture


saw them play at a radio festival filled with the worst bands on the planet... wasn't sure if they were really good, or if it was just the contrast to panic at the disco (good lord) and she wants revenge (I wanted revenge!).

listening to their record now... pretty great! not crap!
recording engineers do it at +9@180nW/m


I cannot vouch for their live shows, which are said to be good. However, I cannot find anything of merit in what they do. In Oz, there is a govt owned radio station that takes its cues from NME, and purports to represent youth culture. Whenever a band like Franz Fredinand comes along, they get extremely heavy rotation on this station, and you can bet a few months later three or four local knock-off bands will turn up (the next hottest things) and also get extensive radioplay, well beyond what they deserve. I am not suggesting Wolfmother falls into this category, but the problem is clear. Blame this station for Wolfmother, End of Fashion and all the other rubbish from Oz you are about to be inundated with. Crap.


steve wrote:I've only heard the album they play all the time everywhere, but I like it. It reminds me of Dead Meadow.

The very important part is that Dead Meadow is awesome. If Wolfmother sound like Dead Meadow, maybe I'll check them out, but I won't expect Dead Meadow; and if they sound like a rip-off, I'll probably just say, "Cool, I already own that record. What a co-inky-dink". And then I'd listen to Dead Meadow.

Because Dead Meadow is awesome.

This is going to get worse before it gets any better.

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