Say something nice about George W. Bush

Lemuel Gulliver wrote:He served Holmes' Smokehouse Pork and Venison sausage at his inauguration party, if the label on the sausage package is to be believed. I picked some of this stuff up at the local foodie store after tasting a sample. This shit is delightful. Smoked with pecan. Doesn't require mustard or any sort of condiment.

Say what you will about my or his politics, but our President knows his sausage.

What he doesn't seem to get about sausage is if poor people don't know about putting a rubber on thiers, and their mate can't get an abortion, it makes babies, which creates a welfare problem, which he will complain about.

Also, I don't call that guy "our" president. I call him "the" president.

Now that that's out of the way, I would definitely trust the man with meat choices.
Or bass rods.

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

Say something nice about George W. Bush

Mr Bush, here are my compliments to you:

Nice makeup artist. For a guy who is obviously going to rot in everlasting perdition, you do it in style.

Way to keep together all of those evasions and excuses into a tightly-woven web.

I have to commend you on your choice for a black woman and a black man to be our Secretary of State and National Security Adviser. Honestly. Oh, wait, that wasn't you, but one of your handlers? Damn. Nevermind.

Bangin' cufflinks.

Good going on that whole "destroy the planet" plan. If anything else, once our atmosphere is atomized and nothing but skeletons litter the dust, your God can congratulate himself on killing you.

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