master engineer

my friend just spoke to Dave on MSN... he is quite obviously insane:

Alex says:
Hi! Sorry to add you out of the blue, I've seen your presentational video and taken a look at your website... my band desperately needs some decent quality recording sorted out but we're UK based. Is that a problem?

diamonddave103 says:
ok i'll do ya for free one song

Alex says:
Ah, well actually we need to get an album together by the end of October, so we're really rushing now to just get in the studio and sort it out. It's just that very few studios are up to standard for what we're looking for.

diamonddave103 says:
we just email you tracks i can improve

Alex says:
OK... so you're not a recording studio as such, more of a mastering service? We really need a decent recording space and good technicians on hand

diamonddave103 says:
no im a studio

diamonddave103 says:
and a master company two companys

Alex says:
OK, well I'm most interested in using your studio for recording. We can talk about mastering in a bit. Firstly I need you to understand that we need some very specific equipment, and we need people who know how to use it

Alex says:
For instance, out guitarist requires a 12-Stage OmniFinisher with XLR ins and outs, obviously ours is too big to take overseas. Do you have such a thing, or could you hire it?

diamonddave103 says:
i have a pro player

diamonddave103 says:
his name is purehigh

diamonddave103 says:

diamonddave103 says:
thats my brother

Alex says:
Well, we don't desperately need session players. We're mostly interested in making sure the Omni is on-site. Also, is there an Olympus Dyno-Fret there? Our guitars have segmented strings, you see.

diamonddave103 says:
he is in iserail

diamonddave103 says:
getting boomed

diamonddave103 says:
just look at my link

Alex says:
Well, much as we all love to get boomed, I need to be sober when working

diamonddave103 says:

Alex says:
Yes, I've seen. So you can accommodate a segmented-string guitar, then?

Alex says:
Oh, before I forget - above all else, our synth section is powered by nuclear fission, so we really REALLY need a safe environment.

diamonddave103 says:
i live in belize

diamonddave103 says:
my brother lives in israil

diamonddave103 says:
sorry type

Alex says:
That's okay, we can travel.

diamonddave103 says:

Alex says:
We just need to make sure those services are catered for on-site

diamonddave103 says:
yes once its paided in full

Alex says:
That's good to know.

diamonddave103 says:
we will get you

diamonddave103 says:
and rec

diamonddave103 says:
plus world music tour

diamonddave103 says:
plus rec. deals

Alex says:
We have promotion already, thankyou. It's just the recording I'm after

diamonddave103 says:
well you have to be the best

Alex says:
Do you have reverb?

diamonddave103 says:
or you can wast your money

diamonddave103 says:
my goal is to make you money

Alex says:
Ours too! So... you've got reverb, there?

Alex says:
We desperately need lots of reverb. It's hard to get in the UK.

diamonddave103 says:
i got

diamonddave103 says:
500 reverb

diamonddave103 says:
sound effects

Alex says:
500! That's amazing, well done.

Alex says:
And do you have a Flange?

diamonddave103 says:

Alex says:

diamonddave103 says:
pro tool tc ele

diamonddave103 says:
with hard gear

Alex says:
That's good. So how much would you charge, say, if we wanted twelve hours of putting our hard gear through your flange? Provided we took it in turns, of course.

diamonddave103 says:
first song will be free

diamonddave103 says:
then for you only you 200 us effects on your voice

diamonddave103 says:
editing if need

diamonddave103 says:
plus etrax stuff if you need

diamonddave103 says:
sample 1000.00

diamonddave103 says:
will give you a perfect bost

diamonddave103 says:
plus it will save you studio time

Alex says:
Thanks man, my bost is shit at the moment.

diamonddave103 says:
i will work with no time limt

diamonddave103 says:
ok im here for ya.

Alex says:
That's brilliant. Effects aside, I want to talk a little bit more about leisure with you. We like to relax, and we like to relax as a group. I guess what I'm trying to say is, we like hookers. Can you arrange to have hookers sent to our hotel rooms?

diamonddave103 says:
i wont do that

diamonddave103 says:

diamonddave103 says:

diamonddave103 says:
why would i hurt you

Alex says:
We won't get AIDS. We're protected.

Alex says:
You provide the hookers, let us worry about AIDS.

diamonddave103 says:
im a honest guy not a pimp

Alex says:
I'm not saying you aren't, but if you know any pimps, that would be great.

diamonddave103 says:
im a pro

diamonddave103 says:
folks to folks
Radio Sexshow - Changes in Navigation says:
your a good man
diamonddave103 says:
track work on net
Radio Sexshow - Changes in Navigation says:
great idea
diamonddave103 says:
Alex says:
That's brilliant. Effects aside, I want to talk a little bit more about leisure with you. We like to relax, and we like to relax as a group. I guess what I'm trying to say is, we

Alex says:
Look, I get horny when I work. Can you help?

diamonddave103 says:
look im a pro im hanging up

Alex says:

Alex says:

Alex says:

Alex says:

diamonddave103 says:

Alex says:
You have whores? =D

diamonddave103 says:
look im contact the police

Alex says:
Please don't

diamonddave103 says:
my mom is the fbi

Alex says:
I'll stop

diamonddave103 says:
no joke

Alex says:
I will take my business elsewhere then. I'm sorry we couldn't work something out

diamonddave103 says:
fuck off

diamonddave103 says:
your not pro

Alex says:
I guess I should. I'm sorry for being a bad person.

diamonddave103 says:
i dont need your money this way

Alex says:
Look, I'm going to church. I love God. God loves hookers. It's complicated, Dave.

After that point, he blocked me.


master engineer

More Diamond Dave:

Alex says:
Hi Dave

Alex says:
We have decided to go with you

Alex says:
We've got 900,000 dollars ready and waiting

Alex says:
Forget the hookers - we can do without

diamonddave103 says:

Alex says:
But I do have a couple of questions

Alex says:
You said your mother was in the FBI?

diamonddave103 says:
so when you want to start

diamonddave103 says:
yes she is

diamonddave103 says:
mrs brown

diamonddave103 says:
step mom

diamonddave103 says:
dad airborn ranger

Alex says:
What would ol' mum say if she saw this? ... 8-07-03#a2

diamonddave103 says:
me rec studio owner

diamonddave103 says:
im a twin

Alex says:
Because right here I am reading about how you allegedly defrauded the group Punta Rebels

Alex says:
I was just wondering if you had any comment on that

diamonddave103 says:
i did not

diamonddave103 says:
they lied

diamonddave103 says:
i had permission

diamonddave103 says:
but i was young

Alex says:
But in this article it says you admitted to copying without permission

diamonddave103 says:

diamonddave103 says:
no thats false im taking the media to court about that

diamonddave103 says:
ive never been to court

Alex says:
Which media?

Alex says:
All of them?

diamonddave103 says:

diamonddave103 says:
i have my rec.

diamonddave103 says:
tape action

Alex says:
You're going to take the media to court with your rec?

diamonddave103 says:
and the own threaten my life in a club

diamonddave103 says:

diamonddave103 says:
i only told them the truth

diamonddave103 says:
plus i have rec. of this copying

diamonddave103 says:
simple they told me to do it

diamonddave103 says:
so i made 200 copys

diamonddave103 says:
i still have there check

Alex says:
So hang on, if you were subject to libel, how has it taken you 8 years to bring this matter to court?

diamonddave103 says:
the group lied

diamonddave103 says:
this case was in 1998

Alex says:
Then why are you taking the media to court and not them?

diamonddave103 says:
its old

Alex says:

Alex says:
The case is old. What, have you been in suspended animation?

diamonddave103 says:
im not afraid of the punta reble

diamonddave103 says:
they know that im honest

diamonddave103 says:
i have nothing to hide

diamonddave103 says:
so im not hiding

diamonddave103 says:
i have every thing on cam

diamonddave103 says:
they told me what to do they hired me

Alex says:
Yes, that's what the article says. They said you were easy to find because you put your name on everything

diamonddave103 says:
and i think they just wanted to give me a bad name

Alex says:
Why would they do that if they were becoming successful?

diamonddave103 says:
its the medi of channel five is black mailing me

diamonddave103 says:
i dont care

Alex says:
How are they blackmailing you?

diamonddave103 says:
by putting a story thats false

diamonddave103 says:
its not true

Alex says:
That's not blackmail. It's called Libel.

diamonddave103 says:
i had permission check under addy castillo

diamonddave103 says:
the owner of diamond

diamonddave103 says:
thats my wife

Alex says:
So you aren't the legal owner of Diamond?

diamonddave103 says:
yes i am

Alex says:
You just said your wife was.

diamonddave103 says:
me and my wife

diamonddave103 says:
addy castillo

diamonddave103 says:

Alex says:
Why does your wife have a different name to you?

diamonddave103 says:
you ask

diamonddave103 says:

diamonddave103 says:
in belize she my commen law wife together for 13 years

diamonddave103 says:
she owns save u

diamonddave103 says:
a supermarket

diamonddave103 says:
the money does not go to me if your asking it goes to my account then to pay out to your team

diamonddave103 says:
when i was younger

Alex says:
Everything I see online suggests that you are managing the business while your wife maintains legal ownership

diamonddave103 says:
i didnopt have a lawer noew i do

diamonddave103 says:
look i builded diamonds with my own hands here talk to wife
Alex says:
Why am I talking to your wife?

diamonddave103 says:
hello this is addy

diamonddave103 says:
how are you?

diamonddave103 says:
may i help you?

Alex says:
Yes, I was wondering if you needed a sound engineer

diamonddave103 says:
not at this time.

diamonddave103 says:
David works the studio.

Alex says:
From talking to him, David doesn't seem to know much about Studio Engineering

diamonddave103 says:

diamonddave103 says:

Alex says: I've only spoken to him today. I spoke of a lot of studio equipment which he professed to know about. However, all of the devices I referenced were made up. They don't actually exist.

Alex says:
Could you turn your caps lock off, please?

diamonddave103 says:

Alex says:
I gave a plain to my wife once. She's dead now.

diamonddave103 says:

diamonddave103 says:

Alex says:
He's probably on the plain.

diamonddave103 says:

diamonddave103 says:

Alex says:
Dude? Yes? Who am I speaking to?

diamonddave103 says:

diamonddave103 says:

Alex says:
That's cool. Talking to your wife got me pretty hot. I'm all yours now.

diamonddave103 says:

diamonddave103 says:
so tell me

diamonddave103 says:
if you want a plain i can make one for you.

Alex says:
Oh, I have a plain - it's got Bison.

diamonddave103 says:
or rec that cool

Alex says:
Actually, I'll be up front

Alex says:
Could you sell me your wife?

diamonddave103 says:
ok you see me in my pic

Alex says:

diamonddave103 says:
so at least i have gear and contact

diamonddave103 says:
im not a kid

Alex says:
Actually, I wouldn't mind having both you and your wife. You're both pretty hot.

diamonddave103 says:
why you say things just tell me what you want im cool dude

Alex says:
Essentially, I want you and your wife to be slathered in marmite

diamonddave103 says:
music package tour or a cd for press or world wide

Alex says:
I want a marmite wife.

diamonddave103 says:
not mine get you own

Alex says:
Can't I have both of you?

Alex says:
I've seen your pictures in the press. You're both like porcelain dolls.

diamonddave103 says:
adam says:
hey dave if you have such great facilities and have been so successful how come you have no website other than a

free MSN one? I'm not convinced I should send my artists to your studio to work ....
diamonddave103 says:
dude im not a web guy a studio owner
adam says:
so why are you promoting youirself on YOUTUBE instead of paying the £200 or so it would cost to get a decent web

site? If

Alex says:
He makes a valid point, Dave. Talk to the people.

diamonddave103 says:
ok make me on

Alex says:

Alex says:
Show me your face

You have invited diamonddave103 to start sending webcam. Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending


diamonddave103 has accepted your invitation to start sending webcam.

diamonddave103 has stopped viewing webcam with you.

Alex says:

diamonddave103 says:
ok i have to go to control room

Alex says:
Do some MASTER work?

diamonddave103 says:
boot the studio

Alex says:
Boot the studio.

diamonddave103 says:

Alex says:


master engineer

yushbombn wrote:Alex says:
And do you have a Flange?

diamonddave103 says:

Alex says:

Alex says:
That's good. So how much would you charge, say, if we wanted twelve hours of putting our hard gear through your flange? Provided we took it in turns, of course.

Alex says:
Look, I'm going to church. I love God. God loves hookers. It's complicated, Dave.

That was superb.

master engineer

"That's good. So how much would you charge, say, if we wanted twelve hours of putting our hard gear through your flange? Provided we took it in turns, of course."

i laughed out loud at this.

tmidgett wrote:
Steve is right.

Anyone who disagrees is wrong.

I'm not being sarcastic. I'm serious.

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