
Total votes: 16 (19%)
Total votes: 69 (81%)
Total votes: 85

TV Show: Seinfeld

If you're going to buy the new Complete Series Box Set, get it at Best Buy. It comes in a cool refrigerator box with some extra shit you can't get anywhere else. And it's like $30 cheaper than just the box set at every other store. And the refrigerator is the perfect size for your Barbies.

I picked it up yesterday, it's awesome. ... e=category

Still my favorite show of all time.
drew patrick wrote:Peripatetic will win.

TV Show: Seinfeld

Serious waffling, but certainly not crap for all their subtle but hilaroius piss-takes on mundane daily life.

My dad wished George Constanza would have actually been hit by a car when he played real-life Frogger with the arcade game machine, though.
iembalm wrote:Can I just point out, Rick, that this rant is in a thread about a cartoon?

TV Show: Seinfeld

not crap. no waffles.

seinfeld the man can be very funny also, but not always.

i watch these re-runs all the time, they are virtually the only thing i watch on tv besides baseball. the first season is ok; they hadn't worked out the characters enough yet, eg, george sometimes appears smart and good.

one of my favorite things about the show is the support character names and the support characters themselves:

mr. tomasulo (mentioned above)
mr. kruger (coco! coco! coco!)
mr. wilhelm
george steinbrener
jackie chiles - the lawyer (who told you to put the balm on?)
calvin klein
lloyd braun
j peterman
bob sacamano
len nickedemus
(the above three you NEVER actually meet)
fdr (franklin delano romanowski)
the soup nazi
papi (of the pizza/abortion debate)
marcelino - the cockfighter ("even i am not above the policy")
cedric and bob (who refuses to wear the ribbon?)
the bubble boy's dad (played by bill murray's brother)
frank and estel costanza
morty and helen seinfeld
uncle leo (hello!!!!)
jack klompus (the car drove itself into the swamp!)
izzy mandelbaum (lloyd bridges, RIP) "it's go time"
jimmy (don't touch jimmy!)
darren (kramer's intern)
mickey (kramer's "little person" buddy)
ned isaakov - elaine's "big big communist" boyfriend
kenny banya
david putty
tim watley (the catholic dentist who converts to judaism for the jokes and makes his dental practice adult only)

the list goes on.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

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