"movie" or "film"

Total votes: 7 (44%)
Total votes: 9 (56%)
Total votes: 16

word choice: " film" or " movie"

ironyengine wrote:Are not some movies made without the use of 'film?' I see this distinction coming to parallel that of record vs album.

Oooh, very nice point...

As for the rehersal/practice debate, my band also only uses "practice"...it is something that when I first started playing I really never thought about but our drummer hates the term and made sure that we never use it and he cringes whenever anyone ask where our rehersal space is at....

Also, he is the only drummer I know who will not use the word "throne".....it really pisses him off....he says it is a "fucking stool". Does anyone else here not say "throne"?
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