What did your first ever post on EA say?

I'm a freak:

"Please consider these few things for the time you have left with her before the appointment (she's beautiful by the way):

To keep both of your stress levels down, (regarding the mess, comfort and access to necessary food/fluids) isolate her in the bathroom or some other room with out furniture or carpet. I suggest the bathroom because you can close the door, put a towel in the tub for her, and keep food, water and litter as close to her as possible. Also it will keep her movement confined, which is probably best for her. This way, you will have the added benefit of being able to observe her symptoms within specific time periods. For example...how frequently is she vomiting, is she passin' anything out the other end, and is she taking in any food or water at all?

Next, contact your vet (or another for a second opinion) to find out what you can give her to relieve some of her discomfort, and stop her from or at least slow down the frequency of her vomiting. Also find out about administering sub-cutaneous (god, did I butcher that?) fluids at home. If the vet you contact doesn't seem to want to help you, call around until you find one who will. Point being, at the very least you can relieve her suffering from now until she has to go to sleep. Who knows - you might be able to help.

Liver failure in cats is extremely common - around that age I might add. The symptoms you described are all in line with this particular ailment, and it takes them fast. Unfortunately, I know from experience, as the only solution this summer to the suffering of Lucious (my 15 year old kitty) was for him to go to sleep. It was very difficult to accept the fact that, had I been able to afford $3000.00, there was a slim chance they could've saved him. Very slim.

Anyway, I'm really sorry about this - I know it sucks. But you know you don't want her to suffer. I think you've probably made the best decision. I will give my kitties Suki and Ponette scatches and treats on her behalf. By the way, my boss Bob gave them a remote control toy for Christmas. We love the feline around here too."
The cat with the toast, once it's free in the air, will float at its cat-toast equilibrium point, where butter repulsion forces and cat forces are in balance.

What did your first ever post on EA say?

Okay, people - what's going on?

I'm not going to name names here, but I was curious to see the context of one of these first posts. So I went to look it up, and found that it was not, in fact, that poster's first post! So that made me curious, so I checked up on all of you, and at least eight of you (not including me) are intentionally or unintentionally misrepresenting your first post!

What gives?
Why do you make it so scary to post here.

What did your first ever post on EA say?

Linus Van Pelt wrote:Okay, people - what's going on?

I'm not going to name names here, but I was curious to see the context of one of these first posts. So I went to look it up, and found that it was not, in fact, that poster's first post! So that made me curious, so I checked up on all of you, and at least eight of you (not including me) are intentionally or unintentionally misrepresenting your first post!

What gives?

Mine is from a different sign on.

I like the new 'tar.
joesepi wrote:This has nothing to do with our impending doom. I just love dirt bikes.


What did your first ever post on EA say?

DefinitelyNOTtheSWEDE wrote:
Linus Van Pelt wrote:Okay, people - what's going on?

I'm not going to name names here, but I was curious to see the context of one of these first posts. So I went to look it up, and found that it was not, in fact, that poster's first post! So that made me curious, so I checked up on all of you, and at least eight of you (not including me) are intentionally or unintentionally misrepresenting your first post!

What gives?

Mine is from a different sign on.

I like the new 'tar.

You weren't one of the 8. Neither was H-GM, Adam CR, or Scott. I didn't bother checking on anybody who had had a name change. All these eight people - the post they gave was one of their first posts, but not their first.

Unless the time stamps are wrong somehow. Could that be it?

ETA: Credit to Adam CR for the avatar!
Last edited by Linus Van Pelt_Archive on Fri Jul 21, 2006 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Why do you make it so scary to post here.

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