Crazy CD erosion, WTF?

A number of CDs of mine that had been stored for about a year showed crazy patterns on them where the aluminum substrate had just ... disappeared. The erosion was in the pattern of crazy trails, not unlike the kind worms leave just under the surface of tree bark (all jiggly and zig-zaggy like). There were no surface scratches evident, this was purely the aluminum under the surface of the CD.

My questions are these: Has anyone ever seen this before? Is there a whitepaper, or some other pointy-headed scientific-type writing on this that I can read? More to the point, how can I prevent this?

Crazy CD erosion, WTF?

Redline wrote:
how can I prevent this?

You can't. Some cd's are more prone to flaking than others.

It's that unstable digital media.

It's called "flaking"? Hmm. I didn't see where the aluminum went ... it just vanished, like magic. Black magic. Black magic that sucks the music out of my goddamned CDs. I'm going to google "CD flaking" now.

But anyone with any technical jive should feel free to weigh in.

And yeah, I know, vinyl doesn't have this problem.

Crazy CD erosion, WTF?

it may be called "flaking" but it is oxidation - deterioration of the aluminum foil layer based on bad manufacturing techniques. there is either something out of whack with the plastic composition, or there was some moisture trapped when the CD was made, or a tiny flaw in the sandwich that allowed moisture to penetrate. I have a few older CDs that have big dime sized holes in the AL from this. Others, as old or older are just fine.

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