Worst Band Ever

The Eagles
Total votes: 8 (29%)
Five For Fighting (No votes)
Total votes: 3 (11%)
Total votes: 1 (4%)
Total votes: 11 (39%)
Total votes: 2 (7%)
Total votes: 1 (4%)
Total votes: 1 (4%)
Total votes: 1 (4%)
Total votes: 28

Worst band ever

[quote="LAD"]There isn’t a single band mentioned in this thread that I don’t think has real musical talent. Plus, I really love them. You guys think you’re so smart and I guess that’s what you think. I for one (two?) think music is subjective, just like taste – right?

There’s this Aerosmith song, “Jenny’s Got a Gun.â€

Worst band ever

LAD wrote:I totally can’t believe people have brought up Weezer. They are very catchy and I know many people who you would agree are very smart who like them.

Weezer is a terrible 1990s version of a bad K-Tel band -- only without the charm of some of those inept K-Tel wonders. Weezer seems like they've been cynically exploiting a long-existing formula, if only because the formula was exploitable. There is nothing -- no warmth, charm, hooks, power, NOTHING -- for me to latch onto in their music. Pure, dead formula.

Compare Weezer to say, Gren, an L.A. band that was formed around the same period and worked the same musical seam. They ain't Stravinsky, but Gren, if totally inconsequential, at least struck me as honest and charming -- and they actually wrote a few wrote songs that I liked, as opposed to Weezer, whose songs suck and bore me to death.

Yes, including "Pinkerton".

[quote="LAD"]I didn’t know that thing about River’s leg. That’s sad. I don’t think it’s “funny.â€

Worst band ever

i'm heartened to see the eagles mentioned more than anyone else

but disheartened to see anyone else in the running

i mean, the EAGLES! they are the worst. yes, they wrote some catchy songs. yes, they were competent players. yes, they could sing, and they wrote long involved lyrics that probably summed up their particular version of 70s socal perfectly. the fact that they did all these things, and they did them well, makes them MUCH WORSE than any other supposed 'bad' band on the planet. they did EXACTLY what they wanted to do, and it was cynical, soulless, TRULY blackhearted music that (and this is crucial) NEVER EVER ROCKED.

they made thoroughly hateable music that people take VERY VERY SERIOUSLY! they are DEVOID of humor or charm. they are personally unappealing, except for joe walsh. "life's been good" is ONE MILLION TIMES better than ANYTHING the eagles ever did.

i hate don henley, but...though "dirty laundry" is one of the worst songs ever written, "boys of summer" is ONE MILLION TIMES better than anything the eagles ever did. also, he wrote a funny, mean letter to HITS magazine one time. BUT...he sucks.

they are called the EAGLES. WTF? the eagles? what kind of name is that for a rock band? the eagles? there is no element of style in that name.

the eagles are terrible. with 'hotel california,' they sing an entire song in an hispanic accent. it has many many parts, and a torturedly detailed lyric, and dual guitar leads, and yet it is sung in mock hispanic.

glenn frey calls himself "the king of country rock." "the king of country rock." roger mcguinn? no. gram parsons? no. steve earle, for that matter? no. glenn frey, according to glenn frey, is the king of country rock. he REFERS TO HIMSELF as the king of country rock. FUCK GLENN FREY. while it is not an eagles composition, "the heat is on" is one of the worst songs of all time, btw. why did he try to steal the prechorus lick from 'panama?' listen to it--it's 'panama' right before the chorus. but he's GLENN FREY, so it's, like, a saxophone and trumpet and jazz guitar trying to play it. it SUCKS.

the eagles are THE WORST BAND IN THE HISTORY OF ROCK AND ROLL. and this is hedging a bet. they may well be the worst group of musicians to make music together since people started making music together. they may be the worst group of people to make anything since people started making things. they may be the worst group of five men since men came into existence. aren't there five of them? however many there are: exeunt!

finally, "witchy woman." the worst song ever written. perhaps the worst collection of sounds ever to exist, since air came into being. i give you these words as my final argument. i'm just pasting them outta google. i can't bear to read them all. and they leave out a LOT, such as all of the music:

Raven hair and ruby lips
Sparks fly from her finger tips
Echoed voices in the night
she's a restless spirit on an endless flight

wooo hooo witchy woman, see how high she flies
woo hoo witchy woman she got the moon in her eye

She held me spellbound in the night
dancing shadows and firelight
crazy laughter in another
room and she drove herself to madness
with a silver spoon

woo hoo witchy woman see how high she flies
woo hoo witchy woman she got the moon in her eye

Well I know you want a lover,
let me tell your brother, she's been sleeping in the Devil's bed.
And there's some rumors going round
someone's underground
she can rock you in the nighttime
'til your skin turns red

woo hoo witchy woman
see how high she flies
woo hoo witchy woman
she got
the moon


Worst band ever

tmidgett wrote:i'm heartened to see the eagles mentioned more than anyone else

but disheartened to see anyone else in the running...

i agree with much of what you have said. the eagles make some of the most loathsome music i've ever heard, BUT i can very easily tune them out. i cannot tune steven tyler out. he is always screeching out some ridiculous noise or singing something that is beyond asinine, and my immediate response to their coming on the radio is to snap the damned thing off.

plus, i think don henley's "boys of summer" is a pretty tolerable song. granted, that and playing on some randy newman albums are the least horrible things any member of the eagles has ever done. what has any member of aerosmith done that's not crap? run dmc's version of "walk this way" would have been much better without aerosmith's direct involvement (aside from their having written and played the original song, which isn't very good, but you know what i'm getting at, i hope).

Worst band ever

placeholder wrote: run dmc's version of "walk this way" would have been much better without aerosmith's direct involvement (aside from their having written and played the original song, which isn't very good, but you know what i'm getting at, i hope).

I don't.
know what you're getting at.

the whole point of the run dmc version is that it is a rap version of a ROCK song and this shows that run dmc (or rubin...) knew better than you what ROCK was.


Last edited by GuyMercier_Archive on Fri Aug 13, 2004 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Worst band ever

GuyMercier wrote:I am going to listen to my copy of "so what" sipping a bit of bardolino, thanks for reminding me, it will surely not be unpleasant.

and I'm back
my woman finished the bardolino
there is one version of a piece by Maurice Ravel on there
which is pure Burzum

next: the james gang rides again

Worst band ever

GuyMercier wrote:
placeholder wrote: run dmc's version of "walk this way" would have been much better without aerosmith's direct involvement (aside from their having written and played the original song, which isn't very good, but you know what i'm getting at, i hope).

I don't.
know what you're getting at.

the whole point of the run dmc version is that it is a rap version of a ROCK song and this shows that run dmc (or rubin...) knew better than you what ROCK was.



ok, it was poorly worded. what i meant was that the superior cover version by run dmc obviously uses the original track (with some embellishment, maybe?) as its basis. BUT, the cover would have been better without steven tyler yelping all over it.

you're right, though. i have no idea what rock is.

Worst band ever

>>i agree with much of what you have said. the eagles make some of the most loathsome music i've ever heard, BUT i can very easily tune them out. i cannot tune steven tyler out. he is always screeching out some ridiculous noise or singing something that is beyond asinine, and my immediate response to their coming on the radio is to snap the damned thing off.

well, i like aerosmith, so here our paths diverge

i mean, i don't much like them the way they are NOW, as a band, but i like old stuff

even trying to account for matters of personal taste and push them as far down the ladder as i can....like, let's say, for the sake of argument, that they made music just as bad as the eagles'. for the sake of argument. i would still say the eagles are much worse b/c:

they are never funny or self-knowing. aerosmith...well, i think they're funny, and they are certainly self-knowing, at least at times.


some people take the eagles very seriously, more seriously than a-smith, i think. by which i mean, they take their music to be serious (which it is, deathly so), and they think it deserves to be received and consumed with the same seriousness of purpose (which is impossible unless you are dumb, b/c it is terrible).

now, if the eagles themselves did not share this view, if they had any perspective on themselves or what they did--ANY perspective--i would cut them a little slack, maybe, b/c i don't think other people's lack of perspective and inflated opinions of you should be held against you. but the eagles think of themselves at least as flatteringly as their most rabid fans do.

>>plus, i think don henley's "boys of summer" is a pretty tolerable song.

i think so also, which is why i called it out special. but it is not an eagles song. the eagles are terrible and did not make any music that was any good. "i can't tell you why" is about as good as they got, and "i can't tell you why" isn't really very good.

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