Where d you go to school?

I go to the university of utah. Physics and math major (to get masters in physics later)

I work in the cosmic ray research group. I should be troubleshooting an ultrasound anemometer which is stupid or building an electronic barometer and a digital interface for it, but instead I joined some forums, probably because I only make like 7 an hour.

Where d you go to school?

I just recently dug out my old cassettes from back in the day, and found this song. It was my final project for the science class I took, "Einstein : His theory and his humanity" or something like that. In typical Columbia fashion, the assignment was to do something in your field (mine was Sound Engineering) that related to the class, and was factual and accurate in content. So I wrote a song called Einstein, that was about Einstein. We had to present our projects to the class. Sitting in a classroom and listening to this song was pretty funny.

Here are the words!


He couldn't read when he was 9
Went to school and he flunked out
Then he won the Nobel prize

He wore the same clothes, he never wore socks
He didn't worship Satan but we love him anyway

Had a bastard son and a couple of kids
Divorced his wife, Maleeva, and he married his cousin

Einstein, Einstein!
E = mc squared
Einstein had crazy hair!
E = mc squared
Einstein had crazy hair!

Refused surgery. Einstein died in 1955.

(screaming and sheep noises)

Einstein we love you!
Einstein we love you!

I don't know how easy it is to pick it out, but you can barely hear the guy who sang (my then-roommate, a non-musician) laughing the second time he says "E = mc squared" cause he was overcome by how absurd the song was.

I got an A.

I miss college.
"The bastards have landed"

www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album

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