Ezra wrote:Tarantulas - a little creapy but really not a big deal, I've yet to meet anyone who's been bit, I think you'd have to try really hard to get them to bit. Once we had a little family living on the porch, a Mama (palm sized) and several babies (2" or so leg spread)
Now we have scorpions too (I never knew they were in france??) They do hurt but its basically like a bee sting. Ive seen them from 1/2" (common) up to 4" (not so common) in my house
Black widows, more common than I'd like to believe, I've seen several around the yard, none in the house so far
Rattle snakes are what you have to watch out for, I found one nestled up against my screen door a couple months ago. Scared the shit out of me.
Just little detail from life in the desert
As I don't use the same metric system than you do, I have had to figure out the sizes. 7" is now my "unity" to compare.
Yes, we have scorpions in southern France. They aren't too dangerous but they can give you fever. The ones I had in my flat were usually 1/3 7" long. The snake I had on my balcony was a 2 7" viper. The craziest thing was that I was living in the city, I had a very small garden but it was far to be like the desert. Nobody believed me, until my GF actually saw a scorpion herself. She freaked out.
I don't think I could deal with tarantulas, seriously