Rock & Roll High School

My highschool had:
John hinckley (yeah, THAT John Hinckley)
Patrick Sugg (guitar for New Barbarians...Ian Astbury's band after the Cult)
Tench Cox (Bedhead, New Year?, End Over End)
Charlotte Ross (blonde 'NYPD Blue' star)
Angie Harmon (Law & Order)

Not a lot of rock and roll but what do you expect for a tight ass conservative Dallas highschool?

My wife went to an arts magnet school i Dallas which had:
Roy Hargrove (grammy award winning jazz trumpeter)
Erykah Badu (booty shakin' singer)
Edy Brickell (singer and wife of Paul Simon)
Nora Jones (popular singer, daughter of Ravi Shankar)

Again, not a ton of the rock but pretty impressive...

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