9-11 Synthetic Terror: The Cover Up, Five Years In

galanter wrote:The less obvious conspiracy theory is that Flight 77 is a red herring. Some "investigators" are now opining that Flight 77 really did plow into the side of the Pentagon (or the synthesized/photoshopped version of the story), and the cabal is letting time pass...letting conspiratorial expectations grow...letting the story reach Fox and CNN....and then BAM! The Fed's release the tapes and they show exactly what "they" have been saying all along.

And the entire 9/11 conspiracy theory factory is undermined.

This double reverse conspiracy theory is very clever. Now the conspiracy movement has inoculated itself, and if the video tapes get released and they show Flight 77 plowing into the Pentagon...well that just proves that the conspiracy is in full effect!!

Ain't dat sump'in?

That's a classic trick, and one of the best-known examples of this might be the Alient Autopsy tapes. I'm not saying I believe anything about anything (and you know that about me by now, I trust) but if you look at the hypothetical, if there *were* aliens that the US govt had knowledge of, dating back to the era of the detonation of the first atomic bombs as the story goes, sure they would want it kept on the down-low. And what better way to leave the general public where we are today-- which is that many if not most people believe that aliens at least *could* or *should* exist, regardless of whether or not we've met them, though anybody who believes it (especially if vehemently) is shunned as a fruitcake whackjob-- than to put out proof of the conspiracy (the Alien Autopsy tape) and then so readily pull the rug out from under it?

Classic technique!

Well Phil, I don't know whether you'll get it from bob, but from me, here's a big "right on" for what seems like your measured consideration of more alternative and less accepted perspectives. I think it's good that everyone consider as many angles as are conceivable, even if they're not the most plausible or the most Occum's-Razor-friendly.

Sometimes I wonder if I shoulda taken that job the FBI guy was pushing on me back in '99. I can't even being to imagine how different my life might be right now.
"The bastards have landed"

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9-11 Synthetic Terror: The Cover Up, Five Years In

I finally watched the rest of the 9/11 roundtable session from the conference or whatever. The one that was on CSPAN.

It was more of a pep rally than an academic airing of research. But I don't really hold that against them. It was a wrap up session and I assume the other sessions went into more detail.

Along with the tapes being withheld the other thing that bothers me that folks keep mentioning is the various members of the 19 who turn up alive.

Arabic names are likely confusing to, say, ticket counter workers in the US. And many are very similar. I can see how the standard theory could still be true and confusion about some names abound.

But it's a little surprising that someone on the debunking side hasn't gone through the fine details and worked out some or all of the confusion.

Or maybe they have. Maybe it's in the above link. I haven't checked yet.

9-11 Synthetic Terror: The Cover Up, Five Years In

Well, it's a well known fact, Sunny Jim, that there's a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, known as The Pentavirate, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado, known as The Meadows.

So who's in this Pentavirate?

The Queen, The Vatican, The Gettys, The Rothschilds, and Colonel Sanders before he went tits up. Oh, I hated the Colonel with is wee beady eye! And that smug look on his face, "Oh, you're gonna buy my chicken! Ohhhhh!"

How could you hate 'The Colonel'?

Because he puts an addictive chemical in his chicken that makes you crave it every fortnight, smartass!

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