Planet Pluto or Kuiper Belt Object Pluto?

It's a planet, otherwise that Cerebus story doesn't work
Total votes: 17 (61%)
It's not a planet! Monster Zero is from Planet IX!
Total votes: 11 (39%)
Total votes: 28

VOTE! Pluto--planet or no?

It's a planet. So is Xena. And when some morning show in Florida finds the
next one that planet will be called the Call the Pussy With Your Cell Phone

All this stupidity is because the general scientific thought is that space flight
is next to useless. Stars are far too distant to visit via flight of any type, so
science has started to turn back to more Earthly concerns. Total fucking
garbage imo. I do think Sagan was right to be concerned about colonizing
other planets because (mainly) of a doomsday type event.

I mean baby jesus, mary and baby jesus, how hard is it to be on the same
page w/ basic shit like, 'what's a planet?' Time is now for the bullshit to be
over, otherwise we'll have a 16th 'planet' called Blumpkin & Hummer In The
. Call it a planet, but for the love of Mike, have a governing body
name it.

Xena. Funny. Maybe that was the whole point...

VOTE! Pluto--planet or no?

vockins wrote:Here

I will be in Prague next week as well, but I will be too inebriated to report. Sorry.

Cool, thanks for that.

"Dwarf Planets." I could live with that. But then Ceres would have to be considered a dwarf planet. That's kinda weird.

My Very Educated Mother, Candace, Just Served Us Nine Pizzas With X-tra Cheese, Stuffed Crust, Breadsticks...

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

VOTE! Pluto--planet or no?

"If the resolution is approved, the 12 planets in our solar system listed in order of their proximity to the sun would be Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Charon, and the provisionally named 2003 UB313. Its discoverer, Michael Brown of the California Institute of Technology, nicknamed it Xena after the warrior princess of TV fame, but it likely would be rechristened something else later, the panel said." - CNN article

I'm thinking 2003 UB313 will be rechristened something like FED EXIA, or maybe NIKE PLANET, or GOOGLE WORLD. I'm all for it. Space is the place.
A little chi kung up the Ch'ueng Mo O))

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