Bands that will melt-slay yr face off

electric wizard - we live, a more tolerable khanate? more straight up, accessible, less grating vocals. still similar though it is v. slow and heavy.

ufomammut - sunn o))) meets pelican meets HELL.

noxagt - the iron point i cant even describe this. v. noisy and heavy. original.

sightings - michigan haters - finally got around to this donkey hailed gem and yeah its great and noisy and evil.

zeni geva- i dont know what the deal is but this makes my face hurt bad.

necrophagist - epitaph...2004 release by wankers that slay balls.

dragonforce - sonic firestorm butt speed metal with an insane japanese protege guitarist and nice anthems.

sample and critique. or just buy them.

Bands that will melt-slay yr face off

the Classical wrote:tho I am not what you would call "handsome" I enjoy my face on a pretty regular basis. I would not enjoy having it removed by "melting" or would I care to have it "slayed" off. I will avoid this bands and their facelesss followers like the plague.

Thank you for the advance warning.

Yes, the Classical raises an interesting question: How would one "slay" a face off?

"Flaying" a face off, I can see. But slaying a face off? Like, they slay so hard the face just goes flying clean off the skull like a big bloody flap of skin?

If that's that case, metal face melter/slayer guy, then no thanks. I'll stick to records that leave me ALIVE with my handsome mug intact.

Oooh! Lawrence Welk reruns! Gotta go!

Bands that will melt-slay yr face off

if you've never had a 'slay melt,' i highly recommend you try one

you take one piece of rye and half a hotdog bun. slice some smoked turkey, smoked gouda, smoked pork loin, and smoked rump steak real thin. put those ingredients on the rye bread, in the order listed. spread a few tablespoons of chocolate peanut butter on the hotdog bun and eat it. put the rest in the oven and broil until burnt.

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