Bands producing quality work on major labels?

vance wrote:
tallchris wrote:These records would have been great if they'd been on indie labels. These bands just happened to put their best work out on a major.

Whats the difference? Would you have heard these rekkids even if they were on an Indie Label? My wife points out that one of the reasons these albums were great was the fact that they had major label support, like engineers, and good studios, etc. Your post makes doesn't make any sense.

The three records I mentions (Gentlemen, For Your Own Special Sweetheart, and Relationship of Command) all have great songs. If they had been recorded in five days in decent sized studio, they would of been just as good. These three bands just happened to put out their artistic high water marks on major labels. I think they would of been just as good if they had been made quickly and put out on a small label.

But you are right, I probably wouldn't of heard the Whigs or Jawbox records if they hadn't been on major labels, but that has more to do with the fact I was ages 11 and 12 and living in a shitty small town in northern Idaho when they came out.
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