Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Kenny: Trying to figure out how LeVar Burton was able to play the role of Kunta Kinte in "Roots" so effectively, what with considering how he's all blind and shit.
just better - Trying to figure out how Levar Burton was able to host "Reading Rainbow" so effectively, what with considering how he's all blind and shit.
just worse - Trying to figure out how Wilfred Brimley was able to pitch Quaker Oats so effectively, what with considering how he's all fat and shit.
Please, kenny:
- You are a middle-aged pervert. You like 'em young. It's a warm summer Saturday, which you've spent driving all over the city. And now you've spotted another one. Another fund-raising carwash in a gas station parking lot. You pull in with delight. For soon you will be witness to yet another grouping of wet, scantily-clad, nubile high school girls draped and arching allover your already-washed-seven-times-today SUV.