Creepy Songs from Childhood

Were there songs that used to creep you out when you were little? Looking back, it's kind of funny that I was scared by some of the stuff I was:

Kiss - God of Thunder (those little kids talking)
Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil (I was raised Catholic)
E.L.O. - Fire on High (the beginning part w/ backward ranting)
Fleetwood Mac - Tusk (a babysitter once said they were Satanic)

I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

Creepy Songs from Childhood

Any songs that involve grown men and women speaking/singing like children. Dolly Parton and Tammy Wynette do this occasionally, but the example I remember best (worst) is "Don't Cry, Joanie" by Conway Twitty.

As a kid, the part at the end of Rod Stewart's "Tonight's the Night" where Britt Ekland is speaking French used to make me very uncomfortable.

Also, "Lay Lady Lay" used to really creep me out, and it remains one of my least favorite Bob Dylan songs.

I have always found Dennis DeYoung's voice to be incredibly creepy.

Creepy Songs from Childhood

Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress by The Hollies. Not sure why.

I picked up on the "noir" quality bigtime though, and in the wrong way.

Superstition by Stevie Wonder. Love it now, but it seemed creepy to me.

Come Together by The Beatles. That "shook-i-ta-took-i-ta..." thing is still creepy to me.

The first two came out when I was kid, and they just seemed different from the other songs, and that put me off a little.

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

Creepy Songs from Childhood

Parliament's "Sir Nose D'Voidoffunk" and Yarbrough and Peoples' "Don't Stop the Music" both featured a heavy dose of weird voice modulation that creeped me out big time.

This is also very silly. I was terrified of the rubberband man. I remember riding in the car when the Spinners' "Rubberband Man" just finished playing. The DJ then mentions that the police have just arrested the rubberband man for doing strange things with his rubberband. I had no idea what she was talking about, but it gave me the willies.
murderedman wrote:Your problem is your bloc attitude.

Creepy Songs from Childhood

That video for "When I think about you I touch myself" or whatever it's called. I think I was about 8 when this was in heavy rotation on MTV (which I watched at a friend's house because my parents wouldn't let me watch it at home). I think the combination of that woman's look and what she was singing about (if I even knew at the time) made me really sick and creeped out.

My Dad's electric-era Miles Davis albums frightened me when I was like 5 or something.

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