The Official EA Forum Snakes on a Plane Thread

Oucheh and I were supposed to go see this last night. We met up with some friends of his from Iowa and they said it was totally full. There were seventy seats left, but his friends rubbed their vaginas and said they didn't think we'd all be able to sit together. Laaaaaaaaame!

Instead, we met up with more people from Iowa and planned our T&G trip, which consisted of figuring out what time of day we'll leave and how much beer we'll bring. Pretty involved.

And that's the story of the first caramel, how I almost went and saw Snakes on a Plane.

The Official EA Forum Snakes on a Plane Thread

I feel like how i felt after the Packers won the Super Bowl in '96.

A year's worth of runup and anticipation, excitement for every new piece of news/blowout victory, elation during the actual event, and a morning-after "what next?" hangover.

This has gotten me through the last year of my miserable life! What do i have to look forward to now??

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

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