Chicago Fois Gras ban!

In Ecuador they serve "Cuy" which is the guinea pig. Ms Zom has been offered it before on her trips to said nation and turned it down. When I get there, I'll do as the Romans do.

I figure if some peoples somewhere eats it peoples from anywheres should be able to eats it too. I'll try any food. I've eaten nightcrawlers, they pretty much suck. It was at Steve's parents home that I was first treated to Antelope and Caribou. Super Delicious!

Here's to eating. I love eating.

Chicago Fois Gras ban!

Liver is a very healthy food.

Unfortunately, if you have ever eaten beef or calve's liver, it is very disgusting. I eat it once a week, and I have to choke it down.

Foie gras, on the other hand, is very delicious. It also has more vitamin A and iron than any other type of liver. It is cruel, but so is eating meat. So is harvesting vegetables -- combines chop up all sorts of critters...

And no, to pre-empt any "why not just take a vitamin pill with vitamin A" suggestions... Synthetic vitamin A is different than real vitamin A. It is only one isomer of retinol, and in nature, vitamin A is different.

And most vitamins are a certain percentage of beta carotene, that may not even become vitamin A... It has a very low rate of transformation.

The bummer is that foie gras is so expensive. I have only had it twice. There is no better form of liver on the planet. It is delicious.

Oh well... I'll have to choke down 1/4 of calve's liver for supper tommorow. Now I know why kids complain about liver...

Pate is always an option, but you have to eat 20 bowls of pate [...]

Chicago Fois Gras ban!

A little off base here, but the principles apply...

Deer meat is great, provided it has access to corn fields. Wow, can it be great. Deer that lives off more typical 'wild' fare's flavor is inconsistent at best. Sometimes you luck out and get a good one, but more often than not you end up with something best used for jerky.

I personally think animals should live happy, safe, field-roaming, deliciously-fed, sexually fulfilled lifestyles before we pay drunks to sledge them (back in the old days) for the kitchen. My great-grandparents did mostly just that, and the quality of the food was incredible...and they weren't exactly extravagent cooks. There is a scientific basis for this...stress and fear causing lactic acid buildups and whatnot.

Rabbit is yum. Froglegs are good, but you need piles of frogs. Same for squab.

I love deep-fried chicken livers.

There is a local German deli up here that has a head cheese /w/ olive loaf to die for. I hated head cheese before I tried it there...

Menudo? A recent addiction...

Chicago Fois Gras ban!

<<Mayor Daley urged the City Council on Tuesday to come to its senses and repeal a foie gras ban that has made Chicago an international laughingstock in restaurant circles.

"Why would they pick this and not anything else? How about veal? How about chicken? How about steak -- beef? . . . Where do you begin and where do you end? People say veal is basically cruelty to animals. I mean -- you could go on and on," Daley said.

"They have to re-evaluate this. . . . They should come together and figure out what they've done and realize that it's a silly law. . . . It's the silliest law they've ever passed. . . . If there's five or six restaurants [that sell foie gras] and we think that's the highest priority in city government, they've lost sight of what priorities are about."

Won't push for enforcement:

Daley also said he's not about to direct city health inspectors to rush out and enforce the ban that took effect Tuesday. "We have other real issues confronting the people of Chicago," he said.

The mayor also cast doubt on how vigorously city attorneys would defend the ordinance against a lawsuit filed Tuesday by the Illinois Restaurant Association and a group known as "Chicago Chefs for Choice."

"When you pass laws that are silly, it costs taxpayers money. [Aldermen are saying] 'I don't care if it's unconstitutional. Let's pass it.' If that's the way government keeps working, then it costs taxpayers more and more money," he said.

"Restaurants are a great industry . . . All of a sudden, you can question anything you serve in a restaurant -- the poor snails and the mussels and the shrimp, the lobsters. You can go on and on.">>

Ah Daley, I so like you you have to be such a fucking crook? I would really honestly like you as my mayor if you wern't.
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