Spider Bites.

BadComrade wrote:Yes, this thread does need more pictures. Here's a mild brown recluse bite:

Is this what your hand looked like?

yeah, but not so bad... it wsa getting there. Spiders are attracted to the light. When I fell asleep, I had on the TV (a huge magnet) and an anglepoise lamp. Like I said they live by the water, and thats where I am while I'm at work.

EDIT: And it was on my middle finger.

Spider Bites.

I worked in a hospital once as a transporter. One day I saw this guy with a chunk of muscle missing out of his bicep. He told me that a brown recluse had bitten him, and that the infection ate away at his muslce. Ever since I have been horrified by the idea of getting bitten by one, and will surely go directly to hospital if it ever happens.

Spider Bites.

The Code is Almighty wrote:Overseas, I knew a civilian linguist that was bitten by a brown recluse. He didn't think anything of it. A week later they were airlifting him to Germany, and the scuttlebut was that he lost the arm at the elbow. He never returned.

Why, was he planning to hitchhike back?

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