quality psychedelic music


Definitely the West Coast Pop Art Exp. Band
13th Floor Elevators
Chocolate Watch Band
Pink Floyd/Syd
Electric Prunes
Os Mutantes
Cryan Shames

Flying Colour
Soft Boys/Robyn
Dukes of Stratosphear
Butthole Surfers

Olivia Tremor Control
Flaming Lips

The mushrooms still taste like shit.


quality psychedelic music

alex maiolo wrote:Can we back up a minute?

"Psychedelic" means so many different things, as all of these answers imply.

To me it is pretty simple, and does not include "melodious pop/rock music with funny noises." I like a lot of that kind of stuff, but I don't consider it psychedelic music.

Nobody wearing a paisley shirt in the 1980s comes near to making the cut either.

Look at the bands and records on this mail-order catalog. This is psychedelic music.

quality psychedelic music

Angus Jung wrote:
alex maiolo wrote:Can we back up a minute?

"Psychedelic" means so many different things, as all of these answers imply.

To me it is pretty simple, and does not include "melodious pop/rock music with funny noises." I like a lot of that kind of stuff, but I don't consider it psychedelic music.

Nobody wearing a paisley shirt in the 1980s comes near to making the cut either.

Look at the bands and records on this mail-order catalog. This is psychedelic music.

I tried to do the Eclipse Records thing once, New Zealand free noise and what not. I tried really hard, but I failed. It was so fucking boring. I couldnt figure out the fucking allure. I ask you honestly now, "What do you listen for when you listen to this drone/psych/noise?" Serious question.

quality psychedelic music

Redline wrote:The July lp

13th Floor Elevators

Chocolate Watchband


Amon Duul (1)

Ammon Duul (2), Yeti

Fifty Foot Hose

Nurse With Wound

Angus Jung wrote:
Nobody wearing a paisley shirt in the 1980s comes near to making the cut either.

The first 3 Plasticland lps are better than you think.


50-ft Hose is awesome, and I forgot. All I have is one lousy CD-R...recommendations?

And NWW is emptying my pockets...some genuinely spooky 'psychedellia' there.

quality psychedelic music

There's so much to choose from, but a lot of things that aren't strictly "psychedelic" seem very psychedelic to me, oftentimes, so I don't feel too qualified here.

The Stooges, "We Will Fall." I sometimes start feeling stoned listening to that track...

...and then "No Fun" comes in and it's like speed.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

quality psychedelic music

I currently going through my Bruce Haack collection. His music is amazing considering the age of it. He's been hailed as the godfather of techno for his early synth work.

"Around 1968 Bruce talked about a time when all people would create and share their music ELECTRONICALLY without record company involvement. In this techno-future, we would all share music and communicate with it directly from from mind to mind/soul to soul. This fantastic prediction always stuck with me and now the world is closer to this goal."

The song Upside Down and Captain Entropy is superb and there are too many more for me to go rambling on about them, go here instead -


Don't concentrate on the finger..

quality psychedelic music

alex maiolo wrote:I think starting with the basics is always good, so maybe you should pick up the Nuggets II box set. Nuggets I is good, but II, which is mainly British, covers the ground as Mod moved into Psych. That period is often refered to a Freak Beat, and it's fantastic stuff. Bands like The Monks. Rock music gone terribly wrong, due to chemicals.

Bump for this compilation, or the foreshortened 27 song CD version a friend has just given me. My mind has been blown by it.

quality psychedelic music

sparky wrote:
alex maiolo wrote:I think starting with the basics is always good, so maybe you should pick up the Nuggets II box set. Nuggets I is good, but II, which is mainly British, covers the ground as Mod moved into Psych. That period is often refered to a Freak Beat, and it's fantastic stuff. Bands like The Monks. Rock music gone terribly wrong, due to chemicals.

Bump for this compilation, or the foreshortened 27 song CD version a friend has just given me. My mind has been blown by it.

If that's the case then PLEASE get the full set. Some of the very best stuff didn't make the 27 because they wanted to keep the styles mixed up.

While you're at it, get Nuggets I.
This is where I put in my monthly plug for the Del-vettes some on that compilation. Wow!

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

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