Pinwheel, Pinwheel, Spinning Around...

Loved it... what the hell was that Ebenezer's problem anyway?
Total votes: 2 (40%)
I kept it real, only Sesame street for me.
Total votes: 3 (60%)
Total votes: 5

Children s Show: Pinwheel

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If you were a child, when I was a child, and your parents had cable... than you probably have fond memories of this program/channel. Yes, it became Nickelodeon, but the network started as "pinwheel". Then it was just a show, a 5 hour show...

This featured many classic and strange cartoons, including "Paddington Bear", "Hattytown", "Simon in the land Of Chalk Drawings" and many other odd, imported shorts strung together with live puppetry.

Anyway, I found some old clips on youtube that pretty much almost made me weep as I have not seen them in over twenty years...

Not Crap
joesepi wrote:This has nothing to do with our impending doom. I just love dirt bikes.

Children s Show: Pinwheel


I HATED this show. HATED it. No fond memories here. The opening song, the credit illustrations...CRAP. I'm feeling all crazy Steely Dan about this, Swede.

Simon seemed like a wimpy asthmatic fop who drove me fucking bonkers-the grandfatherly narration is probably what made it so maddening. My brother and I still sometimes call each other and sing the theme song for torture purposes. That song will stick with you for days. Watching it now, it's a great concept and the illustration is okay. So a waffle.

Ebenezeer was the poor man's Oscar the Grouch and I really wanted to stab him. Take off the pinching glasses, you rotten green curmudgeon! He looked like the scary jerk neighbor on your street, why would you want to watch him sing n stuff? Fuck that dude.

Paddington Bear was way too slow. And his hat was too big which upset me, but he's got some pretty solid rain gear and seemed nice.


I will now forward all of these links to my brother. Which will make him mad. And my day brighter.
H-GM wrote:Still don't make you mexican, Dances With Burros.

Children s Show: Pinwheel

Now Come On you bastard! Ye of the telletubby avatar!
Now I know she may not be as great as the illustrious Sesame St... but she is a fine program!

It exposed me at a tender age to strange international programing... and it was on all day! Surely you have a heart for the children who had difficulty singing the song, or Plus and Minus? They never did get to the moon!

E Tu, Itchy?
joesepi wrote:This has nothing to do with our impending doom. I just love dirt bikes.

Children s Show: Pinwheel

This forum has been haunting my thoughts or there's some sort of REDRUM shit going on. First, I drop "tump" on my pal on Wednesday, and then yesterday, I was thinking as I was stopped dead in traffic holding in a big pee, how the Pinwheel song went, and 'what was up with that show anyway?' In short, I think there may be some EA ESP floating around.

I was a little old for it, so I rarely watched it unless I was really hard up. Or maybe I was too damned young for it because I noticed how it never ended, and I worked on my patience as I waited for "You Can't Do That on Television."

I arrive at a Not Crap by breaking this down into my component memories of this show.

The very first line of the song is catchy. I could still hum the whole way through even before I saw the YouTube. Also, the synth kinda makes me think now of New Order with kids. New Order: Not Crap.

I recall that it was Canadian or somehow foreign to me. This gave me the sense of the exotic. Exotica: Not Crap.

I remember they had some sequence with moles. This was my first exposure to moles. They don't have them in my part of the country, and then I looked into them. Cute critters. Moles: Not Crap.

I also remember there being something about a nightwatchman at a dept. store. Is this correct? Nightwatchmen: Meh.

Itchy, I usually find you as reliable a compass as we have when it comes to things like this, but on Pinwheel, you are dead wrong. Maybe it's because you had a brother off of which you could bounce thoughts about this show. Me, I had to figure it out all on my own. I figured it was just as good as Sesame Street, but since it was sort marginalized--sort of like an "off-Broadway" but here, only, off-PBS--it didn't have the popular advantage of having the whole country sauntering around saying "Oscar, he is a grouch."

The Electric Company was better.
Our band.


Children s Show: Pinwheel

itchy mcgoo wrote:CRAP.

I HATED this show. HATED it. No fond memories here. The opening song, the credit illustrations...CRAP. I'm feeling all crazy Steely Dan about this, Swede.

Simon seemed like a wimpy asthmatic fop who drove me fucking bonkers-the grandfatherly narration is probably what made it so maddening. My brother and I still sometimes call each other and sing the theme song for torture purposes. That song will stick with you for days. Watching it now, it's a great concept and the illustration is okay. So a waffle.

Ebenezeer was the poor man's Oscar the Grouch and I really wanted to stab him. Take off the pinching glasses, you rotten green curmudgeon! He looked like the scary jerk neighbor on your street, why would you want to watch him sing n stuff? Fuck that dude.

Paddington Bear was way too slow. And his hat was too big which upset me, but he's got some pretty solid rain gear and seemed nice.


I will now forward all of these links to my brother. Which will make him mad. And my day brighter.

I completely agree with everything you said!

As a kid I hated this show! It lieterally made me nauseous....but, I would still end up watching it because it would be the only thing on sometimes....

Fuck! Really, people?! Five hours! Oh, now I have the stupid song stuck in my head...
Give me a place to live in NYC and I will play in your band

Yay! I have a Myspace page!

Children s Show: Pinwheel

I have not posted on this forum for months. Today was the first day I've even read any of it since April or so, and this Pinwheel thread has pulled me out of seclusion!

I loved it. Plus and Minus, that snail trying to get to the annual snail convention...all 5 hours.

I don't remember a nightwatchman on Pinwheel (although there very well could've been), but maybe you're thinking of that other show in which the department-store manaquin came to life when you put that silly plaid Brian Johnson hat on his head. He was a real dude, but the nightwatchman was a puppet.
Hi Ho, Six Shooter!
Branchdweller Summer Camp

Children s Show: Pinwheel

itchy mcgoo wrote:CRAP.

I HATED this show. HATED it. No fond memories here. The opening song, the credit illustrations...CRAP. I'm feeling all crazy Steely Dan about this, Swede.

I hated it too.

A kid in my neighborhood got pinworms once (the worm that gets in your butthole) and my brother, my mom and I did a riff on the theme song "pinworms, pinworms, spinning around" whenever someone mentioned why Daniel kept picking at his ass.


Now, David the Gnome, that's a good Nickelodeon show!

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