Touch and Go 25th set times - schedule posted!

I went to college with Ted and I can attest to the fact that he is good people. I haven't talked to him in quite a while, but I have to admit he really didn't engage me at Pitchfork earlier this summer.

I am pretty psyched for GVSB, cause I never saw them back in the day and the first 2 records were among some of my favorites back in the day

and shipping news yay

but !!! can eat a fat one

Touch and Go 25th set times - schedule posted!

As for Sunday, anyone that is even considering not seeing Arcwelder play is a damn fool.

I must be a fool. For a time in 93-94 or thereabouts, it seemed like I couldn't escape this band. I saw them enough to last me a lifetime.
In other words, like 5 or 6 times.
I think the real travesty is that the New Year plays at noon on Saturday and PW Long plays at 5 or whatever. I guess all ten PW Long fans will be there with bells on.
Not that I don't like a couple Mule songs, but shit.

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