I play in the band. I am on stage with the band. I wear the t-shirt of the band I am playing in right now. We sell them too.

Faux-pas! (hey dickhead, I get it--you play bass and sell crappy oversized 50/50's.)
Total votes: 34 (71%)
Nah! (I am not embarassed to wear my own bands t-shirt. I was in Black Flag.)
Total votes: 14 (29%)
Total votes: 48

Fashion: Wearing your own band s t-shirt

j_harvey wrote:
Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:What if it's a band of yours that no longer exists?

If your band sucked and you are wearing the shirt to be ironic, then not crap.


After reading this statement, I started image-googling "Dee Snider" to try to find a picture of him in a twisted sister shirt.

instead, this image came up.


now if I could just find a picture of her in a Twisted Sister shirt...

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