Asshole neighbors.

horsewhip wrote:She also told me that that the reason they haven't bothered us is because they took a road trip to a Tool concert. Tool! My neighbors are Tool fans! From here on out, I am calling them "The Tools."

If you wanna get topical with him...

Download a copy of the Tool song "Jerk-Off", and learn how to sing the part of the song I have bolded below...

Consequences dictate our course of action
And it doesn't matter what's right.
It's only wrong if you get caught.
If consequences dictate my course of action
I should play God and just shoot you myself

And right when you're singing the "myseeeeeeeeeeeeelf!!!!!!!!" part, make an imaginary pistol with your hand, and point it at him, and pull the trigger, and then smile really, REALLY scary-like.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

Asshole neighbors.

benadrian wrote:
horsewhip wrote: Now they're blasting Reign In Blood downstairs. Is this a fucking joke? Am I getting Punk'd?

What the hell? Like that is a bad thing.

Man, I'm sorry,


I mean, I like Reign In Blood and everything, but I thought these people were sooooooo sensitive to noise. But they own a copy of Reign In Blood! I was thinking of shouting along through the heating vent.

Fucking assholes.

Also, my rent got raised today!

I am totally moving out of this fucking shithole.

Shady Landlord, do you have any family members with buildings in Seattle?
Police Teeth: we like Void so much, we decided not to sound like them.

Asshole neighbors.

horsewhip wrote:I mean, I like Reign In Blood and everything, but I thought these people were sooooooo sensitive to noise. But they own a copy of Reign In Blood! I was thinking of shouting along through the heating vent.

Actually, cure up the album that follows reign in blood... is that seasons in the abyss. Anyway cure that up and when they're done, go right into seasons.

Continure chronologically through the rest of Slayer's catalog.

Asshole neighbors.

You like Whitehouse, right? Get a sitter, or explain to your young'un ahead of time...crank it up.

Are you zoned residential, or mixed? In Seattle, 85 db is the legal limit from 10PM to 7AM in residential zones. In mixed zones, all bets are off. We tried to file a noise complaint when a new nightclub flew it's entire sound system from the bottom of our apartment's floor, and the cops tend to pretty much ignore it. You can start a class action suit, though...but I digress.

Bad neighbors are always bad news. Infrasound is fun, but it will fuck with you, too, and it's expensive/difficult to set up. You know what will work? Get some horns that go up to 24KHZ or so (cheap ones are out there), and use a tone generator (30 bucks or so, used) and cheap amp...low watts will do. Aim them at 'em...ultrahigh frequencies are really unpleasant. Ever play with one of those electronic dog 'whistles'? Ouch. If you go military with one of these setups, you can crack teeth.

Pump it through the vents. High frequencies are much more directional than low ones. Or hang them outside aimed at the porch...etc.

"Honey, I've got a beastly headache."

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