Here is one branded as a Norma. This is probably the bridge configuration your guitar had.
On the pickups, do they look gold in some spots, or are they all silver-looking? If they're gold under the silver casing, that's the same pickup as what I have in the neck position on my baritone, and you could sell them for $50 a piece on eBay if you want.
Maurice has linked to the one piece you need for the bridge, and for the other piece, I highly recommend a roller-type bridge, which is what I put on my Kimberly (aka Teisco) guitar. Love it. Something like
this is great, because it's got all the pieces in one. Only it's gold-ish, so...
If you do a search on eBay under Musical Instruments->Guitar for "roller bridge" you'll find a bunch of examples of what the bridge itself is like, what it costs, all that.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album